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This is impossible!
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:18 am
by Ares2382
I have gotten my enchantment skill up to 62, and I keep trying to make a constant effect enchantment with my golden saint soul gem, but I fail every time, no matter what enchantment I do. I even boosted my luck to 120, still doesn't help. And I tried to go to an enchanter but he asks for like 170k for the one I want, I have anywhere close to that much.
What do I need my enchant skill to be so I can have some success with enchanting a constant effect enchantment?
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 10:28 am
by cjdevito
Pretty much enchant 100, and even then you're going to fail if you try to pack in more then maybe 60 enchantment points. For reliable constant effect enchanting you either need to:
1 - artificially bump your intelligence and luck skills by several hundred to over a thousand points each. Can be done by using a series of enchanted attribute boosting 'cast on use' items, but is a significant pain.
2 - Bite the bullet and pay for the work, which will allow you to completely use all the enchant points of an object (something you'll pretty much never be able to do if you try to do it yourself).
If you buy, there are several things you can do to -dramatically- decrease cost:
1 - get the enchanters disposition to 100
2 - have a high mercantile skill
3 - have a high personality (seems to help)
The same item I've had one character charged 70,000 for, I've had another character get for 5,000. The prices vary widely depending on your skills/stats.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2002 11:36 am
by Sirius_Sam
Also, in an earlier thread, someone mentioned that the cost of professional Enchanting may be related to your standing in the mage's guild. IIRC, the enchantress in the Balmora Mage's Guild supposedly enchanted items much cheaper than others if you were a mage's guild member.
I think this was only speculated, but it sounds like there may be some merit to the theory.
Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2002 6:11 pm
by Fnord
...or drink down about 20 Fortify Intelligence potions. One of the priests at the Imperial Shrine in Wolverine Hall has an unlimited supply of bloat, netch leather, and ash yam, all of which can be used to make valuable Fortify Int potions. If you're a talented alchemist, 20 of these will boost your Int to about 1500, which is more than enough to successfully create virtually any enchantment.
You can also brew Fortify Luck potions, but I don't know of any alchemist that has a replenishible stock of the necessary ingredients.
Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2002 12:52 pm
by Loredweller
Most profitable for enchanter, IMHO, is serving the Imperial Cult: you may earn at least 3 items to raise your enchant skill, IIRC, by 22 in total (10+7+5). It may be, however, that the high reputation is of some importance, too.