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A small comment on guilds and houses

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A small comment on guilds and houses

Post by Ares2382 »

Ok so if you play a "good" character type you have plenty of guilds to join. "Evil" characters have a few guilds too, but not evil fighter types, and I think that that sucks. And if you are a priest type there is no evil temple for you to join either. I think this is unfair to those of us who like to walk on the dark side? Anyone agrees with me?
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Post by cjdevito »

Depends on how you look at it. For example, the fighters guild IS an evil guild if you do the quests as given you, rather then finding the alternate more conscientious ways to do many of them. I don't want to spoil it, but the fighter's guild agenda is not a good one.

The tribunal temple worships a trio of gods that got their powers by breaking their oaths and doing other Really Bad Things that I won't spoil by mentioning. The public face of the tribunal temple may be positive, but the gods of the religion are no sterling characters. Of course, an evil priest could just relegate himself to doing the Daedric quests and none of the temple ones.

While it's true that there's little that seems out-and-out evil in terms of quests within the guilds (houses are a different story, both Telvanni and Hlalu can go quite evil), a lot just depends on how you choose to play it.

Even quests that don't seem to have an evil route can often have one improvised. For example, the murder of processus vitellus in seyda neen? Kill the murderer, collect the reward, give the ring to the victim's lover, get her reward.... then kill her, take back the ring to sell it later, and rob her house :)
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Post by flash95 »

thats exactly what I did but then went on a spree.
seyda neen is now a ghost town :D
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