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Belial and Magic Weapons (SPOILERS GALORE!)

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Belial and Magic Weapons (SPOILERS GALORE!)

Post by NogginBopper »

Ok, I managed to summon ol' Belial in the Charwood castle. He kicked my booty, largely because my weapon (a +1 Bastard sword) couldn't damage him at all. At least, I don't think it could.

Which begs the question: where can I find, buy or otherwise scam a +2 or better long sword, bastard sword, or katana in Chapter 2??? I want to kill Belial something terrible, since I am playing a Goody Two Shoes Paladin.

If anyone has any hints on beating up Belial beyond merely scoring a better pigsticker, please let me know.
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Post by [-Mortician-] »

spoilers ahead!!!

well i could be wrong, but i dont think it's even possible to kill belial at that point in the game.. As far as i know you just need to get him to sign a letter saying that he tricked one of the brothers into killing the kids......i've tried beating him too, but i didn't have much luck. (it might be possible, but i wouldn't even bother)
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Post by Felnar »

Belial and magic weapons...

I haven't gotten that far myself yet, but the way I understand magic weapons and damage resistance working is like this:

Say Bob has resistance +2/10...
That means Bob will ignore the first ten points of damage, i.e. "soak" it, unless the weapon is enchanted with a +2 or higher bonus.

So, unless you are really strong and hitting with a really big weapon, that +1 doesn't have much of an effect on Bob. There is something to help in this case however, especially if you have a nice attack bonus and Bob is easy to hit. The feat Power Attack will subtract from your chance to hit and add that to the damage. That means you lose five from your attack role and add five to damage. Improved Power Attack makes that number ten. So it might be possible to wear him down if you have a good healer to keep you alive.

And if you knew that already then please ignore me :D
Felnar Brokenaxe
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Post by cjdevito »

I've -heard- it's possible to take down Belial with the harm spell, but that's just a rumor at this point.
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Post by pinkypinky »

It's perfectly possible to kill Belial at that point, my character Monk 1/Druid 19 at end, around Monk 1/Druid 12 I think during Charwood took out Belial no problem(primary weapon unarmed), although Tomi's sneak attack did 90% of the damage I was just there to distract the demon. Even using unarmed with only 1 level in Monk so I don't have ki strike I could still hit Belial ok, just not big numbers and not often.

I was pretty anal with that quest and tried out all possibilites because I kept thinking the outcome I got isn't the perfect one. Find either one guilty, Find neither guildty but kill Belial, find neither guilty and get Belial's testimony...etc.
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Post by fishhead »

13th level Monk killed Belial, unarmed combat, tommy shottem full of arrows and I tanked. He is only worth 394ish xp. Not worth it and no magics I found on his fiery dead corpse.
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Post by cjdevito »

Jeez. 349 xp and no loot? Sneh.

OTOH, has anyone tried the dialogue choices on him? 'Give me power' worked, but didn't seem to accomplish anything when I tried. The 'great artifact' choice I couldn't pass the persuade check for, but the 'magic item' choice I managed and got what looked to be a solid staff for sorc/wizzes.
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Post by pinkypinky »

Give me power = he give you every stats buff, worthless.

Normal magical item = staff of power

Item of great power = robe of fire resistance, I think it's Bioware's idea of a joke. ;) My character had max persuasion for his level and still need the nymph cloak and a potion of eagle splendor to convince him to cough up this crap.
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Post by Nygma »

I took him as a 13-14th level monk (preferred class for beating Belial?). Tomi died pretty quick but my monk took him out fairly easily, i.e. no need to teleport out, just down a few potions.

Hey, what does a monk know about magic? Protection from Evil spell? My FISTS are protection from evil, bwahaahaaaa!!!!

I got over 400 XP for him, though. 460-480, somewhere around there. Anybody know how this crazy sliding experience thing works? I'm barely into Chapter 3 with a 17th level monk, and I'm getting 9 XP for monsters I swear I was getting 172 XP for as a 14th level monk. Also I got less than 350 for a white dragon. Dragon is easier than some balor if you're two levels higher?

I miss the certainties of BGII. :( (8,000 for vampire; 22,000 for lich; 64,000 for Firkraag; Celestial Fury in Guarded Compound....)

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Post by Destio »

This is how it works for a mage i found out that the more summoned creatures you have the less exp you get, for example i have a henchman and a familiar but if i summon something i get less exp.
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