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new cheese, someone pls test out for me...

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new cheese, someone pls test out for me...

Post by UserUnfriendly »

well, i have been rejoining the bg2 forums, after my fairly long abscence, and i am rebuilding my os,

dont ask..suffice to say i hate microsoft windows update!!!HATE!!!HATE!!!HATE!!!

and really going to enjoy the return to windspear hills and immie mods, so i have shelved mw, so someone pls test this new cheese...

get helm of bear claw, or make a item to fortify endurance, tehn use a trainter to get to next level, save game, and rest...

note hp point increase, and then reload, equip helm or item, helm will give you 40 point increase in endurace, and then note should have a higher hp than before...

yes, teh game engine cannot differentiate between a temp increase in stats and perm increase, so using a item with fortify endurance should allow you to get from the beginning a lot higher hp than you should get...

fun, eh???


someone test, and pls post results,,,
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Post by Demis »

I haven't test this, but i leveled up a couple of times when some of my attributes drained, At the level up window the attributes are shown as normal even though some of them have been drained so i guess this will happen if you also fortfy some of them. However, i repeat, i haven't test it. :)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

yeah, but if you loaf around a while after getting corpus, your end goes up, and you get extra hit points....

and the bonuses how up as white, like with a fortify spell, and i doubt if teh game negine can recognize it... :D
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