What are the key features of Tribunal?
Expansion Pack for the award winning Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Can be experienced by any player and any point.
Travel to majestic Mournhold, the ancient capital city of Morrowind.
Delve into new epic-sized dungeons.
Unravel the mysteries of The Clockwork City of Sotha Sil.
Battle goblins, liches, and the mysterious Fabricants.
Experience new quests, armor, weapons, and more.
Sort quests and annotate maps in the new Journal system.
How many hours of added gameplay are there?
Between 20 and 40 hours, depending on how many of the quests you do.
Do I have to start a new character to play Tribunal?
No, Tribunal is designed to be played by any character at any time, whether you are just starting, in the middle, or have already finished the main quest of Morrowind. It adds into the existing world and you can travel back and forth from Vvardenfell to Mournhold.
I have a very powerful character. Will Tribunal offer new challenges?
Yes, whereas you can start Tribunal at any level, you will eventually need to be very high level to finish the Tribunal main quest. Overall, Tribunal caters toward very powerful and high level characters.
Is Tribunal compatible with The Elder Scrolls Construction Set?
Yes. Tribunal is another master file, and the Construction Set has been designed to handle multiple master files. Your current plugins will still work in conjunction with Tribunal, and you will now be able to make plugins that make changes or use assets from both the Morrowind master and the Tribunal master file.
How does the new Journal system work?
The journal now allows you to view entries by quest, and view the quest list by active and completed quests. All quests in Morrowind and Tribunal can be viewed this way, so it's backwards compatible with old quests you are in the middle of now.
How does the new Map system work?
You can now place notes on the map. Simply double click where you want to put a note. An icon will appear on your map, and when you rollover it in the future, you can read or edit your comment.
What are the system specs?
They are the same as Morrowind.
Is Tribunal coming out for Xbox?
No. It is a PC only product.
Sorry XBox users! Hurray for the new Journal!!!!
Tribunal FAQ
Tribunal FAQ
~Rahvin, Lord of Darkness~