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Are there many women here?

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Are there many women here?

Post by Oblivion »

I've been wondering for a while... are there many women on this forum? As far as I know there are a lot more guys than women that play games. Also what's the average age?
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Post by Lelio »

In my experience very few women play computer games, and they are either aweful or are amazing. There seems to be no middle ground, there are for example soem great female shoot-em-up players (like Vixen234, one of the best quake players i have ever played).

But women do not seem to like rpg's, strange but true.

I would guess the age range to be between 14 - 24, i am 18.
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Post by SSRat »

Hehe, funny guess

Interesting age range. I guess I'm something of a relic then.

I started RPGing with the original D&D at the age of 7. You might say I'm hooked. I was around for Ultima I, Kingsquest I, etc.

Have you ever heard of MUDing?

Anyway, let's just say my age doesn't fall into your range but the above clues should give you a good idea where I do fall. :cool:
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Post by Mr Sleep »

There are few women around on this forum, if I recall correctly the female to male statistics playing games is on the rise.

I don't think one can exactly say that men are generally better than women, reaserch would say otherwise, to be honest i think this topic would be better in Speak Your Mind (SYM) it isn't really appropriate to Morrowind.
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Post by Minerva »

Actually, there are quite a lot of women here in GameBanshee. :) There are only a handful when I registered, and often it's difficult to identify from the name. And, there are many 25+ members as well.

Do check
this thread in the Speak Your Mind (SYM) section. :) Mind you, that forum is not for faint hearted or someone who's interests are strictly computer and gaming. It's the place for laugh, serious debate, crazy talks, and lots of fun. ;) :D
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Post by Minerva »

Originally posted by Mr Sleep
i think this topic would be better in Speak Your Mind (SYM) it isn't really appropriate to Morrowind.

Please leave this in the Morrowind section for a while, Mr Sleep. Many members don't have a clue about SYM, you know. ;) Or, they might be just scared to step in there... :rolleyes:
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Post by Mr Sleep »

Originally posted by Minerva
Or, they might be just scared to step in there... :rolleyes:

And who could blame them :eek:
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Post by Tybaltus »

Originally posted by Minerva
Please leave this in the Morrowind section for a while, Mr Sleep. Many members don't have a clue about SYM, you know. ;) Or, they might be just scared to step in there... :rolleyes:

Thats true. It took me a while to discover SYM from the Morrowind section, but I made my way around the forum, and its a lot of fun.

Several people from the Morrowind section have made their way to SYM, or post in both sections. People like:
Mr. Sleep
Mikael Skiffard
and me (Tybaltus)

Im sure theyre a few others, so if you are looking for familiar names, there are some. :D :cool:
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Post by angbear »

I am a 38 year old woman that has been playing D & D since it was first developed. The only games I play are role playing, if I can kill it with a sworw I am there. I was a Dungen Master for several years, long before the computer games arrived. I will ide with a sword in my hand> :D
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Post by Rahvin »

i'm a 14 yr old guy....i stay here, i was in bg2 tob and soa befoe i got bored wit it, then i moved here...rpgs is almost all i play, besides afew minor exceptions
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Post by fable »

I remember seeing some figures taken from a very unscientific poll that concluded an equal number of men and women indulge in roleplaying games. I know from having been on staff several years ago for an MMORPG that we had about an equal number of both sexes. Frankly, it doesn't surprise me. Everybody likes to escape into another universe for a while and have fun, provided they can leave with all body parts intact. ;)
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Post by Obike Fixx »

Hello, I just wanted to say that I am 14, and I know at least 3 who are 14. So I think that Lelio is correct, in starting at 14, but ending at 24, it think is a little low. :)
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Post by Scayde »

I am a female player >25, totally addicted to Morrowind, (and pretty good at it if I may say so myself :D )

My stats are in the "anatomy" thread in "Speak Your Mind" (also known as SYM).. there are quite a few other females you will find there too...

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Post by Tybaltus »

Well you can find this info in NUMEROUS places on Gamebanshee, but Im 18 and male. Ive been role playing for about 6-8 years now. Whenever Might and Magic III came out I was RPing. :D
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Post by KidD01 »

Originally posted by Tybaltus
Several people from the Morrowind section have made their way to SYM, or post in both sections.
Im sure theyre a few others, so if you are looking for familiar names, there are some. :D :cool:

Well I'll be playing Morrowind sometime next month for now I'm still playing Warcraft 3 and Emperor Battle for Dune. Anyway my Dungeon Siege also on its way so you will see me in other forums later ;)
I'm not dead yet :D :p :cool:
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Post by Tybaltus »

Originally posted by KidD01
Well I'll be playing Morrowind sometime next month for now I'm still playing Warcraft 3 and Emperor Battle for Dune. Anyway my Dungeon Siege also on its way so you will see me in other forums later ;)
Cool. Morrowinds a great game and there are lots of people here at the forums that know lots about the game and will help if you get stuck. But Morrowind is propably the 2nd or 3rd best game Ive ever played, right up there with Baldurs Gate series and the Might and Magic Series (Most notably: The World of Xeen)
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Post by almandara »

30 - 65 (alternate age group)

I was playing D&D with my older brother and his friends since I was 10 yrs old. We were there for King's Quest and all the others when they first came out. My brother became a programmer for IMagic games, and now works for a internet security firm. I became a writer and an artist. But our love for rpgs and fantasy began with our mother, who read Tolkien's books to us at bedtime when we were 3&5 yrs old-1973-before they became popular.It was my mother-63 yrs- who sucked me away from by busy life and got me into Morrowind this time. I never played the first two! My Mom has played them all....viciously. I'd challenge my brother anytime, but not my Mom!
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Post by free_fall »

Don't know about the Banshee forums here but the official Pool of Radiance 2 forum does have a substantial female presence and the site has evolved from strictly a game forum into more of a communal/social gathering place, though I would venture to say this shared bonding arises more from their intense (hey, that's where they have circus fires) love/hate relationship with the game rather than simply the presence of a lot of women. (We might check with Margaret Mead on that.)

I'm sure large numbers of women and girls love to relax with a good computer game as much as us guys do (though that might depend on whether the parents bought little Sally Barbie Fashion Designer or Half-life) but, as women are, by far, the more practical of the two sexes, it's hard to imagine that the majority of women gamers get as insanely caught up in gaming as men tend to - they simply have better things to do.

Do a web search on 'gender + computer games' for some interesting links or check out

I, myself, am a late-blooming 48yo male, got my first PC in '98 (I don't do DOS!), first RPGs were NOX, IWD and BG.

BTW, Oblivion, in case your post does NOT arise out of curiousity but is actually a feeble and pathetic attempt to score -

Haven't your parents warned you? Don't you read the papers?

They're NOT 14 year old girls!!! They're Feds POSING as 14 year old girls!!!

> almandara
1973 - before they became popular

Ahem, the Tolkein books were popular long before you were even a gleam in your Pa's eye (grumble...young whippersnappers...grumble).

But I identify with you - when I attempted to read them the first time, BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, my mom grabbed The Hobbit from me, saying "What are you reading?", and proceeded to devour the whole set over the next 3 weeks. It was 10 years before *I* got back to them.

She and I used to watch old B sci-fi/horror flicks on Saturday nights when I was 6-8 - "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" and the Japanese "Attack of the Mushroom People" were the first movies to creep me out.

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Post by Oblivion »

free_fall: I'm 15 years old myself, so I wouldn't worry so much about that... (can't blame a guy for trying :) )
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Post by Jan Mistique »

Bit late on this thread but just to let you know that I am female and 52 (just!). I have been playing RPGs since the Electron. I also used to enjoy text adventures. The Ultima series was my favourite ever until the last couple by which time I think Lord British had got fed up! I like Morrowind because it suits my definition of a RGP - that is, I become a 'fighter' 'wizard' 'thief' etc and not that I suddenly become a named usually male person and have to step into his shoes and do exactly as he would do. Too linnear by far. I'm sure games like that used to be called adventures and not RPGs! I like to wonder around at will doing whatever takes my fancy and ability and I love an absolutely massive world to do it in!!! Sorry if I have said all this before (think I probably have) I just feel very strongly about it all! :D
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