Hi everyrybody. The walkthrough tells that a sling of avoreen can be found at about x:1214 y:771. I have looked and looked without any result........ Where can it be?
IIRC it is in a small little hole in the wall near the first intersection in the lair of the unseeing eye. Its a very small container in the wall, so its easy to miss. If you have tob installed, you can hit tab and it will light up, otherwise, move your mouse slowly over the spot.
If I asked, would you answer? Its your problem. Its a deep, deep problem. I have no way to ask about that... I have no elegant way of stepping into your heart without tracking in filth. So I will wait. Someday, when you want to tell me, tell me then. -Bleach
Shades of BG1. I remember how hard it was to find the ring of wizardry or the ankheg plate mail by trying to get my cursor on those small hiding places... ah, those were the days...
She says: Lou, it's the Beginning of a Great Adventure
I remember how hard it was to find the ring of wizardry or the ankheg plate mail by trying to get my cursor on those small hiding places... ah, those were the days...
Present time: just press TAB to see all the hidden places.....
It's less fun, but WAY more easy!!:
There's no knowledge that's not POWER!!!!
"Power is the ability to control the actions of others, regardless of their wishes" et al, Cohen
YES..... but i do not have throne of bhaal installed. The walkthrough says that i must look at x1214 y766. But is is not there, has someone actually found it, i would be glad to hear about it. Specially if i can have the coordinates!
I found it once from the coordinates mentioned in the walkthrough in GB. Not sure where it was though
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'