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Game bug? My game will slow down, and the sounds get messed up.

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Top Dog
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Game bug? My game will slow down, and the sounds get messed up.

Post by Top Dog »

After playing for a while, my game will suddenly slow down dramatically. At this time, game sounds start becoming very slow - I will hear individual sounds, rather than speech or yells or whatever.
Any idea what might be causing this? It really ruins what might be a decent game!
I have installed the patch, and am running this on a K7-2100.
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Post by Skooter327 »

I would try checking for problems outside the game to eliminate those first. Slowdowns can often be traced to other problems. Make sure everything in IwD II is configured properly to your system, and make sure you have no virusses and as few as possible app.'s running in the background. If nothing helps try things like copying your saved game files to a disk, then uninstall and reinstall IwDII. Otherwise post back with more info.

If all else fails...
Pull the case off your computer.
Locate gremlin mucking things up.
Beat said gremlin with a stick.
Replace case. End of problem. ;)

Disclaimer: Not responsible for user-caused damage to computer hardware or sticks. Just gremlins.
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Top Dog
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Post by Top Dog »

It's set up properly, with no known viruses or other problems. Nothing else has caused anything similar - the first time I have noticed these problems was when I started running the game.
Everything else seems to function fairly normally - I do notice a distortion if I get a "mail" notice while the game is running.
The only thing I have running in the background is my mail program, which I need to keep going for work reasons.
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Post by free_fall »

I know you say you need to keep your mail program running but have you tried shutting it down when running the game to see if that fixes the problem?

BTW, I just read a review of a game (can't remember the title, but it's a new one) that hooks into Outlook Express and, if it's set to auto check your mail, when you get mail a character will run up to you waving an envelope and saying you have a message! What'll they think of next?!

... and when I look at you I think, if I were a psychopath and we were standing on an extremely high cliff above a pounding surf that would drown out your scream ... well ... you know ...
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Post by raphjd »

If you have on board sound, it sucks up a lot of memory and cuases the same problems.

I switched to a PCI sound card and the problem pretty much went away.

Also, try going out of the game and delete all the files in the recycling bin. Another quick fix for me.
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