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Oria`s Game Room

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Oria`s Game Room

Post by davfra »

I`m in Oria`s game room, in chapter 2, and I can`t figure out what I`m supposed to do.
I pulled some levers and a message about a battle came up but nothing else seems to be happening.
There`s a Golem in there who`s peaceful, at the moment, but he`s giving no info.
Help, please!
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Post by Skooter327 »

Theres some really informative threads here on that subject if you just dig for them. Sorry for the lack of any real help.
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Post by Bloodstalker »

You have to choose a square, then the battle will start. Get three in a row, and you get the prize. You have to do it at least once. Once the golem moves from the board, move your character to the square you want

There are several ranks you can beat, and you can get some really cool stuff and XP from it. There are threads that go into more detail, but I haven't got that far with it personally :)
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Post by Patrick »

Read post on battle squarses
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Post by Maharlika »

I did that already but...
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
You have to choose a square, then the battle will start. Get three in a row, and you get the prize. You have to do it at least once. Once the golem moves from the board, move your character to the square you want

There are several ranks you can beat, and you can get some really cool stuff and XP from it. There are threads that go into more detail, but I haven't got that far with it personally :)
...nothing seems to happen! :confused:

I pulled all the levers in all combos I can think of and nothing happens. The golem doesnt even say anything about a battle is about to begin.

How does the prism device fit into the picture?
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Post by Yshania »

Spoilers - highlight to read

North of the room are ten levers which set the level of the battle. Southwest of the room are two levers which select the mode.

First, decide which level you want then set the lever in the north of the room to that level. For example click on the first lever for level 1.

Secondly, decide which mode you require from the three available:

Temple maintenance (important if you have managed to destroy the lightning machine)
Battle (if you wish to master the battle squares - a bit of fun for goodies and exp)
Ethereal plane (oops forgot real name but set it here to battle with Oria once she turns ethereal)

You will get a message that the battle has begun from the golem once you have selected both a level (of the ten northern levers) and a mode (of the two southwestern levers)

Note: in order to "master" the battle squares in battle mode, you will need to win 7 of the available 9 squares at each level (1-10). Like so:












Finally you battle for the centre square which will give you a three in line needed to complete the battle:


Of course any three in line will complete the battle at any one point, but only by winning seven squares per level (up to level ten) will you "master" the board. Whichever character selects the mode of battle using the levers in the southwest will be the battling character - the rest of your party is transported away - Except when battling Oria.

Hope that helps :)
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Post by Brynn »

I brought this thread back to life again b/c I'm approaching the scene again, and this time I'm gonna beat it mwuhahahah *insane laugh* Let's talk about different tactics and methods to achieve Battle Square Mastery HERE.

I think I'll try to do it with my cleric. Better ideas? (Last time I tried I got to level 4 only :( ) But that time she was only level 10-12, now she's stronger.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well.. personally i think battle square is possible to finish with 28-30 level chars in HoF...

But keep trying.. after finishing level 10 you will get realy nice short sword..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Brynn »

It's so unfair :mad: If you start the game with a brand new party, you simply have no chance to finish it - why?! You are forced to start with a higher level party, but that's... well, not cheating, of course, but it shouldn't be like this, I say.

Anyway, I have a Mage (12), a Cleric (13), a Thief (16?) and a Fighter (around 3-4, he's the newbie in the party). I'm at the Fortress right now, so I hope I'll gain enough XP to be able to finish it (I'm playing in normal mode).
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

I am not sure.. but i belive that battle square is level the higher level you have tthe harder it will be.. so perhaps.. if someone would solo this game and when he gets to battle square he would create 5 new chars to his party then it should be more easier. This is nothing but theory.. But it could be like i said..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Heidrek »

You can complete Battle sqaures in normal mode using a cleric or wizard type character. It's not pretty but it does work. Stock up on summoning spells, single taget damagers like Flame arrow and Melfs Minute meteors, Ice lance and so on.

Summon a few monsters, Animate Dead is probably best, then activate a square. The monster always appears in the centr square, right in the middle of all your summons. While the summons and undead slug it out, pitch in with missile weapons or spells.

This is pretty cheesy, but does work. I used this system in HoF mode and completed the whole thing - took a long time though and a few rests. Every once in a while, when you activate a new level/rank one otr more of your summons may be transported away with the rest of the party. this can cause problems as it can stop you summoning more creatures due to the summoning limit. If this happens, have the characters in the holding room gang up and kill the summon. it wont fight back and will let you summon more creatures.
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Post by Patrick »

You can deffinatly finish it in "non" Heart of Fury Mode. My best advice is to leave and come back before entering the underdark.
Also summing is cool but only in my opinion to distrack your enemy and keep them off of you. And using them to totally not attack, because they will be teleported away.
Hope this spices things up.
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Post by Brynn »

Hello Patrick! Long time no see :)
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Post by Heidrek »

I found that I could beat 1 or two monsters one on one with my Barbarian, but after a while, an elemental or Glabrezu gets summoned and it's reload time. I was playing on Insane difficulty though, so the monsters had mucho HP and dished out heaps of damage. On a lower difficulty it might have been possible to tank it. The only way I could get anywhere was with Animate Dead and other summoning spells.

Another option might be to cast a Grease, Web, Acid Fog and multiple Cloudkill's on the centre square and hope they get stuck there while the static damage and your missile weapons kill them. A druid wildshaped into Dire Bear or Shambler with a Barkskin in place might be able to stand up to a few fights. A dual wielding Bard might be able to do it as well using Mirror Images and Improved Invis. to stay alive, while Emot: Hope, Bull's Strength and Haste can boost your attacks. Chromatic Orb would also give you a near instanty kill as well as it will paralyse on a failed save allowing easy hits.

It's worth the effort to complete though, Abishai/Cornugon Hide Armour, Club of Disruption and Brilliant Short Sword can all be yours among others.
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Post by Patrick »

Originally Posted by Heidrek:
It's worth the effort to complete though, Abishai/Cornugon Hide Armour, Club of Disruption and Brilliant Short Sword can all be yours among others.

Mace of Disruption is the most esential to battle squares. Pow - Pow

Yes Brynn it been while (as Gorax would say) a very long while.
I've been busy moving apartments and working, should love to get back into the Forum.

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"How does one officially use a quote from another forum member in a thread?" You can P.M. me if you want..
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Post by Brynn »

Done :) (I mean the PM @Patrick, not the Game Room :rolleyes: )

So, I see some of you tried Animate Dead and similar summoning spells, too. My problem with those is that my summons sometimes got teleported away to the far room - but I don't know why! Sometimes it happened when I had summoned them before the enemy monster appeared, but the same occured even when I summoned them after it's coming. So I can see no logic in that. :confused: Most of the time the Golem let them stay even after I rested :confused: Does anyone know what it depends on?
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »


How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Brynn »

Yeah, that was my guess, too :rolleyes:
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Post by Heidrek »

I don't know why they sometimes get sent away and sometimes not - I found the same thing. I found it easiest to activate battle sqaures mode and wait for the party to be teleported away, then before selecting a square summon 2-3 undead. This should be more than enough to deal with whatever gets summoned and means that if they get teleported away when you try and do the next rank you have'nt lost all your spells. Have your party kil the summoned creatures then summon another couple.

I found a sorceror best for this due to the number of recasts per rest available, but a cleric with all level 3 spells in Animate dead would also work. Also give the character a good missile weapon so they can pitch in from a distance.

Another tactic that worked was hasting my sorceror and casting Grease in the middle of the room. When the creture appeared it would be Greased and I could get off a spell or two before it got close enough to fight and then I ran away forcing it ot go through the Grease again. Meanwhile I would fire off Flame Arrows or Chromatic Orbs at it or even Aganzars Scorchers as it struggled towards me. This did work as I managed to get off a couple of spells and a few Heavy Crossbow bolts before I had to uns again, but not as well as the pet method.
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Post by Patrick »

Luck has nothing to do with teleporting summoned creatures.
I know why they disappear and I've left post on this before.
They disappear to the telportation waiting room when they attact after one round or when they step off the squares and into the rest of the room.
Thats why I say just use them to ward off aatacks from the challeged creature. Have run in a circle around it and draw its attention away.
For this technique you have to pause a lot. Let your summoned allie go untill its just about to attack then right before it does - pause- then this should most of the time draw your enemy to attack it. Before unpausing move your summoned allie away in any direction in the circle of squares to prevent it from even striking your foe. Some times on the last few seconds of battle going slow and undecided have it attact then summon another for the next fight.
Some times there are difficult situations where this can get very tedious.
Quick save and reload often.
I prefer a cleric or paladin or a duel bard(healing) of some sort. They all have healing and good melee. Mace of dirruption on all outer planner creatures except drownded dead (they are Imune).
Your spellls must be focused, (I'd say mostly healing and defensive).
I've won all or most with melle alone, no missle weapons.
I heard a few of you saying a sorceror or mage would be good, but in my melle style, I'd say not. I've tried and found it to hard(mage only, never played a sorcer)
Sometimes the creature your fighting telports. This I have no Idea why?
Most notable for this is the Feyr. Maybe some one could figure this out.
You know you can still get the square if you kill it with you party in the telport waiting room and both your charactor and the Battle Golem are right outside the room. Victory!!!
Battle On Xena
Good luck Cold Ones
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