Ok I've cleared out the first level of Dragon's Eye ie freed the prisoners, talked to Neehm, killed the bad guys,.
I cleared out the second level but i still don't know how to get or find the alchemist to make the wyvern potion.
I cleared out the third level of monsters but I can't get across the drawbridge to the room beyond and I can't get into the room at the lower right hand side of the map. ( says there is no obvious lock to pick and is warded)
I also can't get the hydraulic door to work and I suspect I need the wyvern potion to get it to work!
What am I missing here? I'm frustrated to the point of Hari Kari! HELP!! Please!
Luv Jenna Moondancer
ok first off you need to clear lv 1 - which you did, since you are talking to neh...
you also need to kill a bunch of wyvern's and collect their stingers (at least 4)
nehero will send you after his companion, who will send you after his sword (myrloch vale) the companion wlll show you the way to some modified mandrake root.
you need to switch the "roots" on the table in the lab, and place the stingers on the "other" table in the lab.
then i think you need to pull the lever in the platform room...
then wait for about 24 hrs (rest a few times) go check the tables and see what you find...
keep talking to nehero - he will point you in the right direction.
Thanks for the help I have the stingers and I'll go bak to Neehm and see what he throws my way. He told me about his partner but didn't tell me where to find him. So I'll keep trying! Thanks!
Luv Jenna
Ok I found neehm's partner got the poison and the histachi potion. I've got three of the hydraulic tubes running with poison now but no matter how I try i can't get into that last door. I've sicced my thief on it every which way and wandered all over the level trying everything I could think of. How do i get into that room to place the last vial of poison? Does this chapter ever end?? It's driving me bonkers. Thanks so much for the tips it really helped! But now what?
Luv Jenna
You only need to place 4 vial of Wyvern poison into 4 pool. And to end the chapter you just find Thoraskus and kill him. that should trigger the exit door to open. But there's some other things you must learn before you know who and what is Thoraskuss. Nheero is the key, talk to him often !
As for the door, is it the one which says got timer based mechanism ? if it is you can read the spoiler here for answer