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Experimental char

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Experimental char

Post by Mirk »

I'm getting my hands on my copy of IWD2 in a week or so, of course being as addicted to Infinity Engine games as myself (and many of you... ;) ) my party is all planned out.

I plan on a Human Bard3/WisardXX (str10 d16 c10 i16 w10 c14) as my arcane caster. Yes, I've read all the posts here about not multiclassing spellcasters, etc. Since my style of play is more weapons-oriented, I figure these two classes combine well into a "buffer" char, who generally hanges at the back, uses bard song for the most part, and is the "identifier" (high Knowledge and Alchemy) and the "talker" (Diplomacy & Bluff).

So, how will this work? And how do I get the game to use the mage avatar for him, as I will create him as a bard (for the talking skills). Is there a way to ensure this without changing it with DaleKeeper?
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Post by fable »

How will it work? Poorly, I'm afraid. With every level you make, you'll only be able to choose one profession, which means that if you given equal levels to your wizard/bard, each profession will take as long to grow into higher level spells. For example, instead of having a level 12 wizard, you'll have a level 6 wizard and level 6 bard. The lacks of higher level spells as your party advances will really hurt, IMO.
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Post by Mirk »

I'm aware of that, that's why I will not level the bard above 3, aiming for Bard 3/Wizard 13. The question is, is Wizard 13 enough?

And what about the avatar? Does the game use the first class' avatar, or the highest?
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Post by Skinbeard »

And what about the avatar? Does the game use the first class' avatar, or the highest?
The highest. Asuming you start with 3 levels of bard, your avatar won't change to a mage's avatar until you reach level 4 as a wizard. Until then you'll look like any other bard/rogue
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Post by fable »

Originally posted by Mirk
I'm aware of that, that's why I will not level the bard above 3, aiming for Bard 3/Wizard 13. The question is, is Wizard 13 enough?

Personally, I don't care for it. Bards are powerful enough (finally!) under 3E to be worth development on their own, thanks to Lingering Song (or whatever it's called; no access to the game at the moment): song effects carry across for two more rounds after they've stopped playing, and during which they can cast spells (like a sorc--very useful) and use weapons. I also wouldn't want to hobble a wizard by taking away any levels from their acquisition of better spells.
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Post by Skooter327 »

Originally posted by Mirk
I plan on a Human Bard3/WizardX as my arcane caster. Yes, I've read all the posts here about not multiclassing spellcasters, etc. Since my style of play is more weapons-oriented, I figure these two classes combine well into a "buffer" char, who generally hanges at the back, uses bard song for the most part, and is the "identifier" (high Knowledge and Alchemy) and the "talker" (Diplomacy & Bluff).

So, how will this work? And how do I get the game to use the mage avatar for him?
You seem to have your heart set on this char. You asked for advice, so people are going to tell you what works and what doesn't. If you still want to make that character, by all means do it. I too recommend sticking with a single class. Just remember, you are limiting the number of low level spells you can cast as well as the high level spells you have availible.
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