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Character creations !

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Character creations !

Post by De_Priester »

So tell me, what is the best character you created and what is the nicest character you ever created ?

For your info the best character would be the character in a powergamer perspective and the nicest character should be the character you enjoyed playing the best.

And tell me what skills you used and why. And naturally tell me and everyone else reading this why you liked playing the character the best or why you believe the character you created is the best.

I have been thinking about a khajit because I figure they are the fast jumpy kind of chars but I'll await all your experiences :D

I kinda enjoy reading what other people think about the game since I am enjoying it SO very much so please do not be ashamed to spam entire stories here Thanks up front m8's !

Also please add what gamestyle you have how do you battle an enemy cautious or brutal assault ? When you travel in open terrain do you try and walk the highground or are you fearless ? Are you sneaky and swift or strong and bold ?
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Post by Fairmaiden »

To be honest, when I first got Morrowind I had no idea what character to choose. It was rather overwhelming. At first I was attracted to the idea of being a Khajit but then I saw they couldn't wear full armour and were more thievery orientated, (I always like to play a warrior of some kind and find magic rather fiddly).

Anyway, I eventually decided on being a Nord, which I'm enjoying and I think is a good choice and decided to be a Crusader, which I think maybe I regret. Maybe being an Assasin or Agent would've been more fun.

Previously to Morrowind I was playing Baldurs Gate II and I think some of my character creation was coloured by that experience - I decided upon being a Crusader because it seemed like a cross between being a Fighter and a Cleric or Paladin and being human seemed like a good idea in a D&D based game, which BG II is.

Of course, in Morrowind, humans aren't the predomidant race - Dunmer are, so there's no advantage necessarily in being human, (other than the fact that you can choose an avatar that looks like you and call it by your real name, which I generally do in RPGs).

Also, I chose the Ritual as my birthsign thinking that Turning Undead would be a useful skill but I've never used it! I just bash the hell out of them. I don't know what a good birthsign choice would be.

I would like to know other people's view on their characters and on power gaming and what's the best kind of character for that?
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Post by MordorMan »

I think powergaming is no fun at all. Before I started playing Morrowind I also played the BG trilogy and I find I enjoy the start the most, when you are relatively powerless. You have a lot to learn and have to think twice before picking a fight. Once picked, you have to be both careful and inventive to bring the fight to the proper ending, i.e. you winning.

The trouble is, it is unavoidable becoming a demi-god in these RPG's. I am not actively avoiding power, if I come across a trainer that can teach me and I have enough money, I will take the course of course.

As for character creation, I think two variants are nice: play a character that mirrors you real character, or do the opposite: play a character that you would never be in real life (for example: an evil vamperic Bosmer monk). There is something that can be said for both approaches.

Personally, I tend to wind up as a thief, I think this allows the most versitile gameplay (no setting traps in Morrowind, alas). Towards the end of the game, it does not really matter what kind of character you play, all your skills and attributes have a maximum of 100. I somewhat regret that, It would be nice for your initial choices to be more permanent. Also, I think you get too powerful and rich too soon.
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Post by Loredweller »

I just found at first introduction that approach answering the questions instead of choosing the class was attractive enough, and i was quite happy with my witchhunter assigned to me in the process (i'd even thought it's better class ever). Later, being already familiar with the game, i took nightblade and was happy even more :D (Because of patch the rules have been changed, though) Never felt any need or reason to conctruct a custom class still, altogether who knows what might be waiting ahead ;)

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Post by Fairmaiden »

Very interesting info, as I'm already thinking about what character to create for my second game.

BTW, is there much difference in playing a male or female? There is in BG II, for example, but I haven't noticed many things to be gender specific in Morrowind.
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Post by Loredweller »

AFAIK, there's difference in starting attributes. You may esay check it during creation altogether.

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Post by MordorMan »

This information can be found on this website (GameBanshee):

Morrowind races

For each race you can see the attributes for male and female.
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Post by NeoCount »

I chose to be a dark elf spellsword - a balanced combination between fighter and mage (dedicated to distruction, restoration & alteration). The thing that I like is that this class (because of its fighter aspect) gives you time to use and advance in the megical art without being killed all the time.

I'm a new gamer in MW so I don't know yet if my choise a solid one.
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Post by Sojourner »

I've tried several classes, and so far, the best one has been Nightblade (currently playing one). My PC is a wood elf (I let my kids pick the race :p ) with the birthsign of The Mage. If there's anything I'd change with this class - I'd have Alchemy instead of Destruction as one of the major/minor skills. I prefer making my own potions and rarely use any Destruction spells.
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