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ranger/paladin/ fighter

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ranger/paladin/ fighter

Post by Mirk »

ranger 1/paladin 2/ fighter xx


how does this sound for the 2-weilding char, to work as a scout/wizardslayer/support tank ?

also, abilities/feats suggestions appritiated

i thought of dash & dirty fighting in addition to the usuall power attack/cleave/great cleave
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Post by Coot »

I think you spent too many points in too many places. 14 strength and 12 con is not the stuff great tanks are made of. If you want a char that can effectively backstab wizards go for a rogue, or a fighter/rogue. Leave the paladinclass out, you'll only get the penalty in xp.
Go for Dash and any feat that'll improve your backstabbingattacks, like Crippling Strike and stuff.
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Post by Mirk »

this is not supposed to be the main tank, i plan on a dwarf fighter/barbarian for that. and another full-time rogue will cover the sneak attack. this on is supposed to be a more of a finesse warrior... and seems like a good place for those 2 paldin levels. and it gives me the chance to start him as a ranger, for some roleplaying/2ed nostalgy reason i cannot myself fully undrstand... my other option for this role is rogue 2/ranger 1/fighter XX... will this be better?
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Post by koz-ivan »

you can tinker those stats a bit more.

wis could be lower, for a higher charisma you won't cast and spells anyway, and the cha bonus to saves will cancel out on the will save penalty. plus you get a few more points of healing.

int may be a little too high.

you could shave off a few dex points if you want to cat's grace this guy a lot.

those points could go to str & con.

int 8 (really you can set this as low as you want, or as low as you feel comfortable in doing)
wis 8

that gives you a little more punch, and does not give up all that much.

you will be slightly frail w/ the lower con, you could split str & con more ie 14 / 14

feat suggestion -

focus & ws longsword (main hand), focus & ws small blades (off hand)

mace / club may be another good weapon.

as is rapid shot + bow, high dex + ftr bab makes for a very nice archer.

power attack is nice (need 13+ str iirc) (but really cleave / great cleave would be a waste on this char)

luck of heroes, iron will (boosts saves)

improved critical & dirty fighting (i'm not certain of the int requirement)

later on dodge & heroic inspiration.
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lonely wolf
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Post by lonely wolf »

a good charecter

if you really want to get a good charecter- just drop the paladin class.
the paladin is not much good- take barbarian or fighter instad...
if you want to crush your enemys- just put a high strength instead of charisma (a warrior dosen't need that!) and if you want- high constitution :)
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