I have problems in my game- technical problems...
I have played the game for almost three weeks and no problem accured- until now.
my game stops every 3 seconds for a second and then the game continues and again stops after 3 seconds...
what am i trying to say is: I NEED HELP!!!
that problem drives me crazy!
please help me-
lonely wolf
Something similar happened to my game. It could mean that your computer is a little short on memory (RAM), causing some programs to run slow. What I did was clean up my harddisk, removing programs that I didn't use anymore. Also, I downloaded Regcleaner at http://www.vtoy.fi/jv16/shtml/software.shtml
She says: Lou, it's the Beginning of a Great Adventure
You should also make sure that you have the latest patch, the latest version of DirectX (that isn't a beta), plus the most current video and sound drivers for your system.
If you notice this happening during one of the larger battles or against a dragon, you might also dial back your sound and video settings.
Jesus saves! And takes half damage!
If brute force doesn't work, you're not using enough.
thank you all for the help!
but i tried to uninstall some programs, and when i played the game, it slowed down when it was suposed to stop.
i can play normally but it's really bothering me!
and just for information- i have a 1700 mhz computer (pentium 4).
and how am i suposed to get the latest update\patch?
if you can help me- that would be good!
lonely wolf