1. an aasimar fighter with 72 hp lvl 6 lawful good
2. a moon elf ranger with 69 hp lvl 6 choatic good
3. a half-elf cleric (morninglord of lathandar) with 65 hp lvl 6 neutral good
4. a half elf monk (of the old order) with 54 hp lvl 6 lawful good
5. a tiefling rogue with 42 hp lvl 6 choatic good
6. a wild elf srcerer with 30 hp lvl 6 neutral good
my questions are:
1. how to orgenize the party (who will be the leader, who will be the one after the leader and so on...)?
2. should I multiclass anyone? and if i should- to which class?
3. if you have more advices, let me know!
thank's- lonely wolf