What is HoF mode? Does it add on, or make the game go longer, or anything? Should I have started a game in HoF instead of normal? What are the differences? Thanks...
~Rahvin, Lord of Darkness~
1) Export you char(s).
2) Set difficulty to HoF in the configuration tool ("general" tab)
3) Start new game, import your char(s) from 1) during char creation
4) Prepare to be chopped by the first group of goblins you encounter
but it's like cheating! (to import charecters and play with them at the first level of the game)
I think it's better to start youre team with 1st level, and to continue playing your team as they advance.
- Select the character you want to export
- Open the Record screen - quill on parchment icon
- Click Export
- Type in a name - I usually use the character name, make it easier to know which file is which character
- Click Done
- Repeat for other characters.
Technical questions, I am strongly considering replaying IWD2 again but in heart of fury mode, how many charactors from my first time playing should I import. Like all or half maby two or one? Also will a 20 plus+ level spell caster get 9th and 10th level spells?
I would say that you import your whole party, because the monsters are extremely hard.
About the spell caster thing, which class are you refering to? Bard's highest level is 8, which they get at level 26; Cleric, level 9 at level 17; Druid, 9 at 17; Paladin, 6 at 29; Ranger, 6 at 29; Sorcerer, 9 at 18; and Wizard, 9 at 17.