I havent played SoA or ToB in awhile and was installing the ToB expansion as a group I had was nearing the completion of the game again...But in the middle of the install it stopped and asked me to enter Disk 0 for data file 3 something...I had to cancel out of the download and now my SoA game is toast now.....What in Hades do I do? I cant uninstall SoA cause it wont let me....Do I have to delete everything and start over? Ive tried to install ToB with the minimum install as well and I get the same message.....Grrrr
Looks like you'll have to re-install everything, but you may be able to save your "save games"
Copy and save the "save" folder, re-install the game along with the expansion and then drop the save folder back into the directory and run the game, hopefully they'll be there and ready to go.
You most likely have to un-install everything and do it from scratch. If it won't let you un install, go to Bioware Known Issues . It also has some known installation issues if you need them.
Lord of Lurkers
Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell!