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Enchanting and other stuff (minor spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Enchanting and other stuff (minor spoilers)

Post by Arian »

I finally got the game and Tribunal at the same time :D I've played for a few days now and I have lvl 12 Wild Elf Adventurer (specialized in stealth).Fast like a little weasel,charismatic and a skilled acrobat. Gotta love her!
Now I'm going to enchant a short blade for her. I have plenty of money,a spell for enchant and greater soul gem and of course the gem feeder scroll. But...I need a Golden Saint! This mage in Mournhold used to have one scroll but now he doesn't anymore!I've only been to Vivec and Ebonheart area and Balmora area so don't send me to some hellish hardcore monster lair to find one.

Also, what is the level limit for a character? I don't need to ask if the game is long because I already know that it IS. After hours of gameplay Balmora and it's surroundings are the furthest places from Seyda Neen that I have visited. I have travelled to some other cities by boat looking for Golden Saint scroll but I guess that doesn't count...

Are there MANY DIFFERENT monsters in the game? I had a climpse of this monster list in Morrowind Summit(?) and there weren't too many...I hope the list was just unfinished...

By the way...I'm going to name my custom magic sword Milana's Shocking kiss :D

Sorry for the long letter...
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

go to tel branora, and go to the top of the tower...look for therana's private quarters, and talk to everyone...someone has the summon saint unless your conjuration skills are at 100 you cant simply cast the spell, so make an item, using lesser souls to make an item that summons one for you....

the max level is around 75 or so, with all minor and major skills at 100...

not that many differnent monsters,,,if your pc is powerful enough, go here

and download some additional monster plugins...

the best spells to put into a enchanted weapon are...

chameleon, 100% on self, cast on strike for 0-1 seconds...critical damage!!! (click and hold left mouse, to build up damage, then run to monster and release...does critical damage about half the time)

damage attribute....even creatures like vivec and dagoth ur have attributes that rarely exceed 100, so make a sword that damages str and speed, hit a few times, then moon the monster as it just stands there looking will be too slow to hurt you, and its own equipment is too heavy for it to move..funny....cast on strike, touch

silence and sound...makes atronachs and sorcerors easy to kill...cast on strike...touch.
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