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Mark & Recall Spells

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 6:07 am
by Jan Mistique
Does anybody know whether it is possible to set more than one mark? I strongly suspect that it is not but am so fed up with trundling between Northerly Daedric Dungeons and the Merchant Mudcrab that I felt I had to ask. I have a carrying capacity (net) of about 250 but find that this quickly gets used when in a place with rich pickings like a Daedric Dungeon. To be honest, I don't particularly need the equipment or the money (having 1,077,043 gold) and nothing much to do with it) but its a shame to waste such valuable equipment! Bring back the horse and cart I say!! :D Oh, and I do use all the other means of transport available to me but it all takes valuable gaming time. :p Perhaps I should go for light armour but I have some useful enchantments on my current stuff! ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:14 pm
by Sojourner
No, you can only set one recall point. The mudcrab is so far out of the way that I don't bother with him.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 2:35 pm
by Jan Mistique
Your'e right about the mudcrab being so far out. Who do you sell the expensive items to? Some of the daedric items are worth a good deal more than the gold any other merchant I've found has. Given the amount of gold I already have, perhaps I should just leave the equipment but its hard to leave items of 10,00+ lying around! :(

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 6:14 pm
by Scayde
Originally posted by JanB
Your'e right about the mudcrab being so far out. Who do you sell the expensive items to? Some of the daedric items are worth a good deal more than the gold any other merchant I've found has. Given the amount of gold I already have, perhaps I should just leave the equipment but its hard to leave items of 10,00+ lying around! :(


Go to search and enter "Creeper" will turn you on to all you need to know about a little guy in Caldera..... ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 12:02 am
by Sojourner
Originally posted by JanB
Your'e right about the mudcrab being so far out. Who do you sell the expensive items to? Some of the daedric items are worth a good deal more than the gold any other merchant I've found has.

I have the Morrowind expansion, which throws in some more merchants with lots of money. I keep some of the daedric items for enchanting purposes (to improve enchant skill) and to sell to enchanters after they make constant-effect items for me.