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Quests? (possible spoiler)

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Quests? (possible spoiler)

Post by Zandramas »

I have wondered about a few odd items in the game: the potion found in on of the temples is T-District that supposedly attracts ogres and de'tannions balor ale. Are these parts of a quest? Also whats up with the empty bottles at the guarded compund. I think i remeber someone saying that there a part of a quest that has been removed from the game? I this true?

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Post by Rav »

Spoilers, I guess.

I can only answer one of those: The Balor ale is an item some teenagers on the north of the village where you can buy it will be asking for. Thye'll give you some money for you to buy them swords and ale, as the shopkeeper won't sell them any. Whether you think that it is a responsible choice to buy teenagers swords and/or alcohol or not is up to you.

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Post by IHateUsernames »

I found those to. Most items you find that does not have a use are usually part of quests that got removed and they overlooked that item. Never found a use for any of them and i have played through 10-20 times
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Post by ARcheR_S_ »

The 2 empty bottles that you find in the Guarded Compound, can be used in ToB.

There not indispensable items or anything, but they can be used again.......
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Originally posted by ARcheR_S_
The 2 empty bottles that you find in the Guarded Compound, can be used in ToB.

There not indispensable items or anything, but they can be used again.......

I understood them to be part of the Twisted Rune plot that was deleted. In all the times I've played ToB I've never found a use for them. Can you tell us what they are good for?
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Post by NiteWulf »

Isn´t it for liquid oxigen when you dive through a tunnel?
There are bottles there, but you might want some more.... (though I can´t see why :rolleyes: )
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