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Sex-Change (Might be Considered Spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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Sex-Change (Might be Considered Spoilers)

Post by Atremi »

I got to watcher's keep(Wild Magic areas), and yes I know that the sex changes are suppose to turn back however I had a pretty interesting thing happen to Viconia.

She is either pictured as a female in the inventory screen, and has a male voice and her record shows as a male character.


She has a female vouce and record shows as male, and her inventory picture shows as male.

As a note she also will look in game as the inventory is. However she always turns back to one? Ahhh it is frustrating.

Any help for remedying this would be appreciated. However I could not find anything like this in any of the previous posts. I've triend remove curse, restoration, and other types of spells. I'm just wondering if I could change a variable in the code "cheating" in a way.

However I don't see it as cheating because your not suppose to be both sexes at once.. or unless your a worm...
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Post by IHateUsernames »

i now this sounds stupid but have you tried leaving the area and reating? i had the same problem with another effect but once i left and slept it was gone. but you probably have so this is a bit stupid. any mods installed?
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Post by chimpmaster »


Its actually a curse.

Trya remove curse spell or scroll. Works like a charm.

Any level 8+ cleric should have one availabel to him/her.
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