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Starting question about demo/game

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Starting question about demo/game

Post by Stilgar »

I just played the demo, and want to buy the game as soon as it comes out here.
Since i have RSI RPG's are among the few games i can play. (werid enough turnbased games give more pressure on my wrist then RTS games, but RPG's are the most relaxed to play, and since i cant play for more then 15minutes online gaming isnt realy a option)
But that asside.

I created multiple characters (like in every RPG).
And all of them got killed pretty early in the game (read at the beginning)
How can i exit to barcelona without getting killed?

Also, will there be a party later in the game? or will you stand alone?
I find skills like sneak more usefull when alone then in a party (although i'm more a kill-everything-that-you-can-attack kinda player.
And is it better to spread your skills, or focus on 1 kind?

Thanks for the advice
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Post by Skuld »

My most successfull character(demo) was a feralkin with two handed weapons, evasion, and tribal: protective magic. I don't remember skills and stats though. I'll make a new one and let you know.
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Post by Jotun »

my character was human, archery user.

I take points in evade, and that defensive magic that boosts ac, so both together, has really helped keep me alive. I also took fire evade asap for a certain circumstance not too far away from the beginning. you will see...just kite em, is what I did.
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