Hey all,
After I finished the bridge screen/quest I went back to the Targos Palisade to claim my reward but when I click on Shawford nothing happens! No matter who I use. I tried re-loading, re-starting and even re-installing! I can't return the game at this point, and I can't finish the game this way either!
Any suggestions?
Yep, killed EVERYTHING and then went back to Shawford. That didn't work so I went to Ulbrec and the dialog only gave me the choice of saying the bridge was still held by the orcs, or "nothing right now".
I checked the walkthrough here and it said to go to Shawford to get the reward and then to Ulbrec to get a new quest.
You are supposed to "take back the bridge" by killing all the monsters, report back to Shawford and then Ulbrec.
Did all that.
Regardless if I didn't finish the quest there would still be some redundant dialoge regarding me finishing the quest. *Something* should happen when I try to talk to Shawford... that's the problem really. I think its a bug of some kind. I do not have the patch yet, so maybe that will fix it.
Thanks guys.
There are three struts. One you get wood from, the other you start next to, and the third is in the middle, and requires ranged weapons / magic to destroy.
Originally posted by Ron_Lugge There are three struts. One you get wood from, the other you start next to, and the third is in the middle, and requires ranged weapons / magic to destroy.
Thats odd, because I only took out two, and my journal told me I had destroyed the dam.
I did destroy the dam, I did that *before* I moved on to the bridge (I'm almost positive, have to check journal to be sure).
That's a good idea about being silenced, I am pretty sure I did rest, but I'll try that again... Thanks again everyone.