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TO BUY...or..not to buy?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Dezarond the Red
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TO BUY...or..not to buy?

Post by Dezarond the Red »

hey guys....ughh..well IM A HUGE BG 1 AND 2 fan...greatest games i ever did play...and i havent had a game that realy sparked my intrest since....and this game seems to have just wondering if it is as good as bg..or atleast close...and the turnbased thing scares is that...if you could just like....give me a summary of pros and cons i would be forever indebted to you...
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Ned Flanders
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Post by Ned Flanders »

there's a ton of reviews available, just check out the recent news here at this sight. there are several links posted to reviews which have been piling up since the games release.

Identifying pros and cons of the game is a personal thing. What one person likes, another doesn't. Generally speaking: One con is the game is riddled with lots of bugs. I haven't found anything game stopping; just a lot of annoyances. Some pros are the game is graphically gorgeous and the turn based combat system is extremely detailed and well implemented.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
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