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Patch Suggestion: Add New Quests

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Patch Suggestion: Add New Quests

Post by EPF »

Along with patching the game's bugs Troika should consider adding one or two new adventures;


1. NPC in Hommlet that hires a new band of assasins each time the PCs level up until he is slain. Each band of assasins is more powerful than the prior one.

2. If Evil PCs slay numerous townspeople the temple of St Cuthbert is guarded by Paladins of the Faith and the size of guard patrols increase while Jaroo and Elmo if alive move to the Tower to assist Rufus and Bourne. ( the priest of St Curhbert can summon a celestial - a hound archon ? to aid in the defense of the temple)

3. After the first level of the TOEE is cleared a priest begins to raise an army of undead at Emridy Meadows. In 60 days the priest and his army of undead will attack Hommlet. The undead will continue to spawn until the Evil Priest is tracked down and killed and his alter in the Meadows cleansed with Holy Water. Naturally he is hiding in a random location in Hommlet.

4. If Nulb is cleared by the PCs then a tribe of bugbears moves in to the empty town 30 days later. Naturally this tribe has a few pet wolves, about 60 tibal members and is lead by a powerful chief - Bugbear/Ftr7 aided by two Bugbear shamans.

5. If Hommlet is cleared of all NPCs by Evil PCs then 30 days later a patrol from Verbonc arrives to hunt these bandits down. Lead by a high priest of St Cuthbert (Lvl10) who is guarded by three experienced paladins (Lvl7) are guided by a ranger (Lvl6) and accompanied by a battle wizard (Lvl5) they wander the streets of Hommlet looking for the evil doers.

6. If the moathose is cleared of bandits then 90 days later a random temple fraction establishes a base in the Moathouse that continues to spawn evil spiders until their alter is desecrated with holy water and an occassional giant spider wanders into Hommlet.

7. A thief random appears and mingles among the guests of the Tavern of the Welcome Wench and attempts to pick the PCs pockets stealing a random magical item. (say that there is a 10% for a thief to be present each time the PCs visit the Inn, naturally he moves to Nulb to sell his take after a successful theft or hides in the basement of the Inn?).

8. Giant Spiders are sighted around Hommlet. They continue to spawn until the gigantic Queen Spider is slain.

9. If all NPCs in Hommlet are slain then the Tavern becomes infested with giant spiders or zombies or a band of thieves (Selected Randomly each game) or a group of Adventuerers looking to hunt down evil doers.

10. If the Temple of St Cuthbert of cleared of all NPCs then a Chaotic evil priest moves in who seeks to slay all - the evil and the good. The PCs must slay the priest whose temple is guarded by an army of undead.
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Post by fable »

Not going to happen. This is a patch for existing problems, not an expansion.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
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Post by Yossarian »

Non-New Quests request

Here's a few more requests (i.e not bugs), that wouldn't take too long to implement, but may improve simple game play a lot. Not sure where the best place to post this is, but decided here would do...

1] Increase the limit on the number of flags (i.e. notes) that can be attached to a map. Currently, you can't even post enough notes to annotate all the buildings in Hommlet.

2] Allow double clicking in the current map to bring the camera to that area. It's a royal pain having to scroll the screen around, just to be able to click to get your party to move to a point that may be somewhat distant.

3] If the closest party member initiating a discussion is not one of the main party members, then default to the first party member to initiate the discussion. I keep cursing when I'm clicking on someone and wondering why nothing is happening.

Other than that, loving the game, bugs and all...
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