I'm using the awesome
bg1tutu mod and playing thorugh the game again with what is rapidly becomming my favorite party of all time:
Hagbok Forgeslayer: Dwarf Fighter/Cleric
STR 18/67 DEX 17 CON 19 INT 3 WIS 18 CHA 16
Whatever your opinion of min/maxing, you cannot dispute the fact that this guy kicks butt. Especially when you consider the fact that he saves me the trouble of including a lame cleric NPC. Well, Viconia isn't all bad, but this guy is a much more effective use of a character slot!
After tomes, his stats should be:
STR 19 DEX 18 CON 20 INT 3 WIS 21 CHA 17
My favorite weapon so far is the Warhammer +2. Don't let the 1d4 base damage disuade you, this weapon is AWESOME. 1d4+2 is roughly equivalent to the 1d6+1 of +1 flails and maces, although the +2 does give better THAC0, but in addition to that this hammer does +1 electrical damage!! Insanely powerful for disrupting spells through stoneskin and other types of resistances to normal damage.
I know dwarfs with warhammers is cliche, but how many times have you actually roleplayed this? Its VERY fun to watch, especially alongside Kagain and his axe:
Kagain: Plain Fighter
With bracers of dexterity, he makes the perfect frontliner and companion to my PC. Both have 20 CON and regenerate over time. Since they are my two frontliners and take 95% of all damage, this really cuts down on the amount of healing spells I have to memorize, which allows my cleric to do other things like dispel magic, in turn freeing the mages to memorize more offensive spells.
Kivan: Archer kit
This guy gets about 50% of all kills. Simply an amazing sniper.
Coran: Fighter/Theif
Drizzt's Chainmail+4 to allow him to use theiving skills.
I just recently got to Cloakwood and swapped him in for Safana so I haven't had much of a chance to see him in action yet, but I'm guessing he's going to be almost as effective as Kivan, with plenty of theiving to boot..
Imoen: Swashbuckler(5)/Mage(X)
Good old immy with the light crossbow of speed and bracers of archery. In major battles where she takes off her Shadow Armor Studded Leather+3 to don a mage robe, the bracers get passed to either Coran or Kivan. She also uses short swords in a pinch, and gets short sword specialization because she's a swashbuckler. Cool perks for a character that is mostly a mage.
She also handles Find traps, which frees Coran to concentrate more heavily on locks, pockets, and stealth (I choose this path because Imoen starts out with 50% in find traps, whereas Coran starts with close to zero).
I like this 'new' Imoen so much, I think I am gonna give her the tome of +1 Int and shadowkeeper all her stats into BG2.
Edwin: Sorceror kit
With the Ring of Wizardry and his Amulet combined, this guy's arsenal of 16 chromatic orbs and identify spells is a force to be reckoned with ;-)