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Feat Selection for 2 Tanks?

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Feat Selection for 2 Tanks?

Post by Jatsu »

I could really use some help planning out the feat selection of my 2 tanks! I'm not sure whether I want to go with Maximize Attacks or not, so I'm goona write up what the leveling/feat structure would look like both ways. If I'm missing a useful feat, or I'm including a feat that isn't worthy in your eyes, please let me know! All comments are welcome! (Remember that the Aasimar only gets feats up to lvl12 because at the end of the game, given ECL -1, he will likely finish at lvl14)

Aasimar Fighter 4/Paladin X
It has been suggested that I take 2 lvls of Paladin first, before taking any in Fighter, mostly for Aura of Courage, so the builds will reflect that.
First the basic build without Maximize Attacks
  • Paladin 1: Power Attack
    Paladin 2/Fighter 1: Cleave, Great Swords 2
    Paladin 2/Fighter 2: Luck of Heroes
    Paladin 2/Fighter 4: Heretic’s Bane, Great Swords 3
    Paladin 5/Fighter 4: Improved Critical
    Paladin 8/Fighter 4: Fiendslayer
I was also thinking about perhaps taking Heroic Inspiration or Extra Smiting instead of Heretic's Bane.
Note: I may select Large Swords for Holy Avenger instead of Great Swords.

Now the Maximize Attacks build
  • Paladin 1: Power Attack
    Paladin 2/Fighter 1: Cleave, Great Swords 2
    Paladin 2/Fighter 2: Luck of Heroes
    Paladin 2/Fighter 4: Great Swords 3, Large Swords 2
    Paladin 5/Fighter 4: Large Swords 3
    Paladin 8/Fighter 4: Maximize Attacks
Shield Dwarf Fighter 4/Barbarian X
Unless you know of an advantage to taking a level of Barbarian before Fighter, we'll start with Fighter.
Again first the Non-MA build.
  • Fighter 1: Power Attack, Axes 2
    Barbarian 2/Fighter 1: Cleave
    Barbarian 2/Fighter 2: Dodge
    Barbarian 2/Fighter 4: Axes 3, Hammers 2
    Barbarian 5/Fighter 4: Dirty Fighting
    Barbarian 8/Fighter 4: Improved Critical
    Barbarian 11/Fighter 4: Extra Rage
Now the MA build.
  • Fighter 1: Power Attack, Axes 2
    Barbarian 2/Fighter 1: Cleave
    Barbarian 2/Fighter 2: Hammers 2
    Barbarian 2/Fighter 4: Axes 3, Hammers 3
    Barbarian 5/Fighter 4: Improved Critical
    Barbarian 8/Fighter 4: Maximize Attacks
    Barbarian 11/Fighter 4: Extra Rage
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Post by Mirk »

an advantage of taking a barb level first is double the skill points.

i found extra rage redundant on my ftr4/barb - i never ended up using all the rages anyway... maybe after he gets tireless rage.

max attacks - have it for the tanks, always forget to use it.

greater cleave - while some people say it's a waste, i have found that by the late game one spell casted at a party of goons by a competent spellcaster (high casting ability, spell focus, bonus damage feat) will leave many of them "Almost dead", and the beefed-up tanks (high str, high damage, improved critical ramge, *3 crirtical weapons) will be able to collect on their investment in this feat, going through three-four enemies in a round. good use for a paladin with "circle of blades" to.

the weapon choice is up to you entirely, as long as you can dish out some deacent blunt damage

one feat i "never leave home without" is blind fighting, since lots of enmies tend to have "dirty fighting" by 3/4 of the game.
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