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Dualing Ranger

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Dualing Ranger

Post by Harbinger »

I'm giving the UB mod a run through and have decided to try the dual class Ranger/Cleric. I have only tried the Ranger class once where I was an Archer, so I was wondering at what lvl I should dual at. I have just reached lvl 9 so no more rolling for HPs. Any advantage staying with Ranger past 9th lvl besides better hiding skills, which seem pointless since I cant backstab.
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Post by Sytze »

A ranger, unfortunatly, cant dual, the only Ranger/Cleric class available it the mutliclass one...
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Screaming Johny
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Post by Screaming Johny »

Actually a Ranger can dual, the problem is a kitted Ranger (Archer, Stalker, Beastmaster) can't dual. I remember actually reading somewhere that the programmers did this on purpose as it was too difficult to integrate the Ranger kits with a Cleric.

Back to the original question, the levels to dual are usually:
level 7 (Ranger reactivated by the time you leave Jon's dungeon)
level 9 (good hp, 1 more proficiency)
level 12 (1 more proficiency - I never agreed with this one)
Level 13 (extra 1/2 attack per round)

My recommendation is if you don't have ToB (or the xp cap remover) dual now (at level 9). If you have either of the above, dual at level 13.
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Post by Numinor »

I think Beastmasters can dual, though I'm not sure about it...
Edit: Ok, just tested it: Beastmasters can dual to Cleric ;)
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Post by Harbinger »

Thanks Johny thats what I wanted to know. Dont know if I can hold off till lvl 13 progression is too slow with rangers. As far as Beastmasters if you leave off all metal weapons; what do you have left? Clubs and Staves ugh.
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Post by lompo »

Originally posted by Harbinger
Thanks Johny thats what I wanted to know. Dont know if I can hold off till lvl 13 progression is too slow with rangers. As far as Beastmasters if you leave off all metal weapons; what do you have left? Clubs and Staves ugh.

Gnasher and Blackblood, very good weapons; Staff of Rynn a +4 very early on, several other good +2/+3 with magic properties; with ToB you get staff of the Ram, very powerful!

BTW also archers can dual, only if you dual an archer to a cleric you only get sling (that you can't master!) as ranged weapon.
Never tried with a stalker, but should be possible (thinck odf a backstab with staff of Ram!)
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Post by Numinor »

Originally posted by lompo

BTW also archers can dual, only if you dual an archer to a cleric you only get sling (that you can't master!) as ranged weapon.
Never tried with a stalker, but should be possible (thinck odf a backstab with staff of Ram!)

No they can't. Tested it a long time ago, aparently Bioware didn't want these classes to be able to dual.
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Post by Mirk »

actually, stalkers were able to dual in SoA before ToB. it is still possible with some minor modification:
You can still play a stalker/cleric in ToB.
All you need to do is to go to the override folder,
find the file called DUALCALS.2DA, scroll down
until you see STALKER, and change the 0 in the
second column (the Cleric's column) to 1, just like
the beastmaster has a 1 there.
Voila, now your stalker can dual to a cleric!
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