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Dualing Ranger retake

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Dualing Ranger retake

Post by Harbinger »

Ok Im dualing Ranger/Cleric which I heard was a powerful combo because of the Druid spells you gain in addition to the Cleric spells. My question is when do I get these Druid spells? Right now I have a Ranger/Cleric lvl 9/7. So I should have from what Ive heard the Druids spells lvls 1-4. But I dont all I have is the first level Druid spell Entagle. Are there any mods out that smerf this maybe? Baldurdash?
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Post by Mirk »

you get the druid spells back after you regain your ranger abilities, lvl 10 for you. this is not a bug, it's just how the dual-classing thingy works in 2nd ed. - the druid spells are considered a ranger ability, and therefore are not allowed untill your char has "learned his new ways" or something.
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Post by VonDondu »

If your character is a 9th Level Ranger dualled to a Cleric (as opposed to a 7th Level Ranger dualled to a Cleric), here's how it works.

When your character became an 8th Level Ranger, all of the 1st Level Druid spells were added to his spellbook, and he could memorize one spell per day. When he became a 9th Level Ranger, he didn't get any more spells (no 2nd or 3rd level spells, for example), but he could memorize two 1st Level spells per day.

When you dualled your character to a 1st Level Cleric, he acquired the rest of his 1st Level spells, including Sanctuary, etc. The only 1st Level spell that a Druid can cast that a Cleric cannot cast is Entangle, so that's the only Druid spell that is at issue here. You're not supposed to be able to cast Druid spells until you become a 10th Level Cleric and your Ranger class is re-activated; but even though you acquired Entangle as a Ranger, evidently it was not erased from your spellbook (probably due to a limitation in the game engine). I can see how not erasing it would make things easier. If you can still cast Entangle, think of it as a little bonus.

Mirk is correct. When your Ranger class is reactivated, you'll receive all of the Druid spells when you level up. For example, when your character gains the ability to cast 6th Level spells, all of the 6th Level Cleric and Druid spells will be added to his spellbook.

I hope this helps!
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