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Anybody know what Aligment Burn Is?

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Anybody know what Aligment Burn Is?

Post by Magai »

I have started an evil campagin and now am wondering about what to do for Magical gear... I have a Sorcer, Barbarian, Monk, Cleric and Warriour... but no idea what to use for making magic weapons can clerics do it?... I mean the flaming weapons and shock ones... I know they are better for making the Wonderous gear and potions...
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Post by Kiwi »

I believe he is LG; not certain
Originally posted by Magai
I have started an evil campagin and now am wondering about what to do for Magical gear... I have a Sorcerer, Barbarian, Monk, Cleric and Warrior... but no idea what to use for making magic weapons can clerics do it?... I mean the flaming weapons and shock ones... I know they are better for making the Wonderous gear and potions...

Yes, a Cleric can get the feat. No matter who gets it, you need either Masterwork or already-enchanted gear to start with. And if you plan to have a cleric add flame or shock effects, he/she must be in a domain that includes fire & electric spells.

Burne acts LG when confronted with evil. I couldn't enter his place while Lareth was in the party. As soon as I went in the "wrong door" of the Temple and Lareth took off, the party was back in Burne's good graces.

* :rolleyes: *
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