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Affect of a High Personality on NPC's Dispositions

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Affect of a High Personality on NPC's Dispositions

Post by LeonardoDavinci »

Hello All!
This is my first time posting, but I have been surfing the forums for a bit, and I must admit have gained alot of knowledge about the game.
My question is this, is there a number level for personality that I can get a NPC's disposition up to 100 with just a few clicks?. See I am a bit of a perfectionist and try to get EVERY Npc's disposition up to 100 before I do any business or questioning. I currently have 100 in Speechcraft but just have 75 in Personality. Sometimes with a few clicks I can gain a 100 disposition. Still most of the time, it takes me many clicks to get to 100. Obviously this can take a fair amount of time in a new city as Morrowind has such an unbelievable large amount of Npc's to meet and deal with.
Just to let you know I am a Breton Mage with a Reputation of 3 at the moment and I am in the: Mage, Fighter, Thieves, Blades, House Hlaalu and Imperial Cult Guilds. Does the differing beliefs of the guilds have an effect on Npc's dispositions? Or is it due to my low reputation?
I am hoping someone may be able to give me more information on this matter. Until then, I just wanted to thank everyone again for the vast amount of information one can gain on these great forums. Thanks and Have Fun playing Morrowind!
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Post by Legend »

How high a level is your character ? For someone who's speechcraft is at 100, you have an awfully low reputation. How's that possible ?
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Post by LeonardoDavinci »

That Might Help!

My Character is currently at Level 18. I have been trying to complete the guild quests at this time. So my reputation will hopefully go up as I do so. I also have helped a couple of slaves in miscellanous quests. That might have an effect as well.
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Post by Legend »

Yes, freeing slaves will get your rep up. But the most important thing is not to make too much enemies. I'm just like you, whenever i see someone, i just have to talk to him/her and get the disposition up to 100, dunno why, i just do.

And being disgustingly wealthy, that's not a problem either. Giving 100 gold once or twice is usually enough to get the job done. The more people you have "in your pocket", the faster your rep will go up.
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Post by Loredweller »

Reputation improves NPCs' disposition to PC, altogether it has nothing to do with bribing. There just are quests what may raise your reputation if done in decent way (replacing Trebonius as example). Most profitable in the context of reputation, IMHO, are questlines of Morag Tong and Imperial Cult.
There also additional optinons what may become available for solving some quests (Redoran Ancestor Helm, for example) if one has reputation high enough.
I'd put it such way: if you have high Personality, people are going to like you; if you have high reputation, they are going to have greater respect to you. Partially it's implemented in the game, too.

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Post by Andrew Rei »

A good way to bring it up is to complete the main quest and become the Neveravine or whatever. That normally brings it up like at least 20 points and also makes alot of people like you from the first time you meet them.
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Post by Xyx »

People like you better if you are of the same race (5 points) or faction (not sure how much, but seems like at least 10 points).
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Post by Loredweller »

There was a sheet on the web somewhere, cannot recall whrer. Not sure, esp. about likings, altogether, IIRC, dislikings between certain factions were mostly -3.

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Post by LeonardoDavinci »

Thanks For The Tips

I appreciate the information from the replies. I will make sure to do all the quests to get my reputation up as high as possible. I guess it will just take more play time to see better results.
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