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beating bg2 in one day(spoiler)

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beating bg2 in one day(spoiler)

Post by FilipeTeles »

i have finished my first bg 1 char(a solo for first char in BG1?very fun and dificult)so i was deciding what char i would do.i remembered from my first char,a half orc barbarian.but i get tired of then so i decided to do a halfing barbarian.i finished the game at the same day i started it! it was a lot fun but i didnt do any quests outside of athkatla (only of arnise the hold)and killed the silver dragon to get out the underdark quickly and make the human barbarian used these items
vorpal sword
flail of the ages-very very good for slowing target
gensen bow
mace of destruption-kangaax teh demi lich-->killed him in the second strike!
others two handed sword
2 ring of gaax kaliguns amulet armor huma flesh helm of balduran belt of inertial barrier,boots of speed
i liked a lot the gensen bow so i re started to play with my archer that was in brynlaw,when i get the gensen bow i was so excited when i finished that...I did another archer!i wnmt as fast as i can to underdark to get them and...i fnished the game today
resuming 3 game finish in 3 days very nice!!!
it opens and expand you mind....You should try it......sometimes.....
A Peace of JaH!!!!!
free your mind.......lose yourself in the haze.......
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Post by Galmar »

Seems like a waste, 1 day is pretty fast, ill give you that, but none the less it kinda makes me cry still :(

If you havnt even done it before, try playing with an evil party, or experimenting with odd mixes of party members. But each to his own i guess..
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Sir Redweed
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Post by Sir Redweed »

1 day. Why? It's kinda like eating your last meal in 30 secs.
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Post by Xyx »

How'd you get two Rings of Gaxx with a Barbarian?
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Shin Jaon
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Post by Shin Jaon »

I may not be as well experienced as most of you, but in one day? Three days, maybe, if you just skip a lot of minor quests, but where's the fun in doing that? It's the minor and long alternate quests that make the game so much fun! Like The Temple of the Unseeing Eye, Firkagg, and the Plannar Sphere!
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Post by Galmar »

I gotta agree with Shin there, BG is a huge game with a very in depth storyline, seems a god awful shame to just rush through it like that.
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