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Dual class Leveling

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Dual class Leveling

Post by Ekental »

OK I have a fighter lvl 10 dual class to a thief (For the weapon specialization) but from then on... the thief's THAC0 never drops any further than what it was when he was a lvl 10 fighter.. Is this what is suppose to happen?

I Also have a fighter/druid dualed and I have the exact same problem? Why does this happen?

Thx for the help
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Post by nephtu »

My guess...

I'll bet that your THAC0 as a thief (or priest) will never get better than that for a level 10 fighter (or at least will take a very long time to do so) - that's why your THAC0 isn't dropping.
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Post by JackOfClubs »

That is exactly right. The Warrior THAC0 drops every level, but the Rogue is every 2 levels. Thus a 10th level Fighter will have a base THAC0 of 11, but a Thief will not get that THAC0 until level 19. At level 21 the Thief will drop to 10 THAC0, which will be the first drop you will actually see with a dual-classed Fighter/Thief.

The druid drops 2 THAC0 points every 3 levels, so you won't see a change until level 16.

BTW: These figures are based on AD&D tables, so I am not perfectly sure that they apply to BG. But the principle is the same, even if the actual numbers have been modified.
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Post by Ekental »

Darn... so much for trying to cheat the system...
Oh well
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