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New Flameblade...making it actually useful...

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New Flameblade...making it actually useful...

Post by UserUnfriendly »

Before kevin went missing at the baldurdash forum, i pointed out this little error to him....

flameblade, the druid and cleric spell, is listed as being non-magical...however tests with protection from magic weapons and near infinity showed that it was in fact from magic weapons stopped it cold...

so i asked kevin dorner if he would include that in his fixpack...and he agreed it is a bug, and said he would include it...

now why would i want flameblade to be non magical...cheese, of course...

think of a plain weapon, non magical that does fire goes right thru protection from magic weapons, and does elemental damage...punches right thru stoneskin...

mage killer!!!

have jaheira, or a mage fighter with good thaco attack a mage with in awe as it slices right thru protection from magic weapons, and go right thru stoneskin...

since that time, i've learned more about near infinity, so i was able to do the patch myself...

here is the file, simply unzip and put into the override directory...

urm...if you get a dialog about it overwriting something, then you probably have a mod that modifies flameblade for its own reasons...don't let it overwrite anything...

as far as i am aware, you shouldn't confict with any mods...flameblade is such a low level and rarely used spell that you shouldn't have any problems...

but now, jaheira actually has a reason to memorize the spell and use it...

try it, you will like it...


ps. i don't have winzip installed in my system, so this is actually been compressed with winrar...(far superior to winzip imho) so if you only have winzip installed, it might not decompress...

download winrar... ;) ;) ;) ;)
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