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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by davfra »

I`ve been trying to download the Tashia mod. I keep getting a `file could not be found on server` message. Has anyone had trouble like this?
I did email the site but they just sent me the web address that I had been trying.
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Post by fable »

I don't know what your problem could be. Having moved to a new drive, I decided to reload BG2, and downloaded yesterday, myself. Admittedly, 3D Downloads' queues are annoying, but just keep right-clicking the queue window every couple of minutes and doing a refresh. You should be able to download it easily, here.
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Post by jcompton »

...from a Torn site? may prove more fruitful. :)
"t's a testament to the determined RPG fraternity that a number of Baldur's Gate II mods have been successfully produced. The best can be found at" - PC Gamer UK
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Post by fable »

...More fruitful still is a link directly to the download site. The above is fixed. ;)
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Post by davfra »

Well, thanks for the advice, but I`m afraid I still got the same error message. I have dis-abled my firewall and I`ll just have to keep on looking for what may be causing the problem.
Thanks anyway,
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Post by VonDondu »

It appears that both of you are ultimately linking to the same download site. If you go to and select "Download", you can choose from two sites: the one that Fable linked to, or Maus's site, which appears to be gone. So either way, there might be only one source.

According to the Tashia web page, the latest version of the MOD is v2.05e, but 3D Downloads does have v2.05f (the one that Fable linked to). Does anyone know if the Tashia MOD is still being developed/debugged/translated by someone out there? If so, maybe there's another download source, but I haven't been able to find it.

I had to change my firewall settings to make the download work at 3D Downloads. I usually have pop-up scripts disabled, but they have to be enabled if you want to download anything from there. As Fable mentioned, there's also a waiting list, so you have to keep trying.
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Post by Harbinger »

There is a new version in the making by Bri and Camdawg but they are both working on a new mod Delainy which they say is the priority. So dont expect an update any time soon.
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