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Total kick ass party!! (item spoiler)

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Total kick ass party!! (item spoiler)

Post by KoreeGahn »

Now This is some serious ****!!....

Me (Assasin) Lvl 22

Head- Pale green ioun stone- + 10% hit points, +1 thaco

Body- Aeger's hide +3- AC 3, 15% resistance fire, cold, acid immune confussion

Offhand weapon/shield- Cat's Claw +3 dagger, sets two weapon fighting style to 2, + one extra attack

hands- Bracers of Blinding strike- 20 seconds improved haste once per day

ring- Mercykiller Ring- 20% Set snares, Hide in shadows, move silently

ring- Ring of human influence- Boost charisma to 18

Necklace- Periapt of proof against poison- immune to poison, cure poison once per day

Belt- Belt of Inertial Barrier- +5 to saves against Breath weapons, 25% resistance to missile damage(only three quarters dam), 50% resistance to magic damage(only half damage)

Boots- Boots of speed- increases speed,(thinks it gives +½ extra attack)

Weapon('s)- Sword of Olidammara +4- +1 backstab, 15% of causing confusion to target.

And then there is the good old pally Keldorn Paladin Lvl 16


Carsomyr +5, Armor of the Hart +3, Dragon helm, Gaunlets of dexterity, belt of frost giant strength...

Jaheira Lvl 13 Fighter, lvl 13 Druid


Sacrifice of Kali, belt of hill giant strength, Karana "The Rainkeeper", Belm +2
Awsome 5 attacks per round!!!! with these two schimitars...

See where I'm going !!

Also have Imoen and Minsc, but no reason to desribe them as the above mentioned pretty much says it all..

Now this is a serious kick ass party, nothing can stand i my way Muahahahahahahahhaa

Love takes up where knowledge leaves off. -- Saint Thomas Aquinas

When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.-- Albert Einstein
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Post by nephtu »

Originally posted by KoreeGahn

Weapon('s)- Sword of Olidammara +4- +1 backstab, 15% of causing confusion to target.

Sacrifice of Kali, belt of hill giant strength, Karana "The Rainkeeper", Belm +2
Awsome 5 attacks per round!!!! with these two schimitars...

What mod(s) are those from?

Karana "The Rainkeeper" lol, talk about cross-linking - how about a Dagger of Pikachu or Mace of Obi-Wan ? :)

Good gaming to all!
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Post by KoreeGahn »

Hmm not actually sure about the mods... Mace of Obi-Wan? LIke that!! :D
Love takes up where knowledge leaves off. -- Saint Thomas Aquinas

When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.-- Albert Einstein
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