Ive changed my opinion of offhand weapons, at first i didnt like the sheer cheesyness of having the crom fayer off hand granting 25 str, or blackrazor for its immunities.. just didnt seem asthetically pleasing enough for me (didnt look pretty enough). But after realising that grand mastery now sucks the attack rate just dosnt cut it, and "sword and shield style" is total crap (1 star = -2 ac vs missile weapons, 2 star = - 4 ac vs missle weapons) and totally useless once you have a tower shield or the shield of reflection.. i started messing around with dual wielding a little more.
Yes its cheesy, but it makes characters a hell of a lot stronger, however i decided that ill only dual wield with weapons that look... pretty.
Since my main char uses bastard swords, i want a nice offhand dagger (maybe short sword) or mace, however apart from the IMoD+2 i cant really find any with decent bonuses.
Anyway if anyone could reccomend some id be happy, note i have ToB installed also, bonus merchants installed, dont worry about spoilers either.
Oh, when dual wielding what effects exactly are used? Like would the FoA offhand still slow 33% of ALL hits (main hand too)? Or would it only hit 33% of the time that the ofhand (which isnt that often) hits?
Suitable OFFHAND daggers / maces? (item spoilers)
Suitable OFFHAND daggers / maces? (item spoilers)
What goes around's been around.
There aren't any really good maces or daggers for offhand weapons. About the best short swords I can think of are Arbane's (Free action) and Kundane (extra attack, IIRC). Sorry.
The FoA would only slow its' target ~one in three time you hit with it, so offhand it would be WAY less effective.
If dual wielding bugs you, you can do fine with two handers, and sword and shield single handers (though don't waste points in that skill).
Good gaming!
PS Crom Faeyr is good enough to use main hand, ya know?
There aren't any really good maces or daggers for offhand weapons. About the best short swords I can think of are Arbane's (Free action) and Kundane (extra attack, IIRC). Sorry.
The FoA would only slow its' target ~one in three time you hit with it, so offhand it would be WAY less effective.
If dual wielding bugs you, you can do fine with two handers, and sword and shield single handers (though don't waste points in that skill).
Good gaming!
PS Crom Faeyr is good enough to use main hand, ya know?
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.