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Question for Rogues lovers

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Question for Rogues lovers

Post by anofalye »


Well, I want some advices from a rogue lover that usually use them for battle, since, my rogue is prolly less efficient then the rogues NPC(hehe).

*******************skip to bottom, I am boring there*******

Basically my rogue is Miss Social PR. The highest stat is always intel and charisma and I would not accept a negative wisdom. She solves the quest, she talk, she do the public stuff for the bloodstarving barbarians/wizards that have no idea how anything that aint fight related work.

Thereby, if someone is kind enought to suggest me, consider...only feats you can use for battle efficiency are the non-starting feats, so at level 3-6-9, no starting feats allowed(used on socialization of the leader).

Such a rogue can never be awesome in battles, it aint her role, but if anyone would have an idea how to turn her more usefull then the wizard using a bow(not often seeing except at start), it would be appreciated.
**************************yup, under here is fine********

Let assume you have 13, 13 and 8 to distribute among STR/DEX/CON and you have the levels 3-6-9 feats alone, how can this be any good in fights(always rogues levels for the skills, maybe some bards but very reluctantly).
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Wycen Adamantite
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Post by Wycen Adamantite »

Well, one of the 13's should go to Dex. The other 13 is really your choice. Do you want more hit points? Or my hitting power? Personally I'd say more hit points, so he can survive a fight longer. He's not a front line fighter, he's a flanker, so a low strength is probably less of a disadvantage than a low constitution.

The best way to make your rogue a better fighter is strategy. When you can get your rogue on one side of the enemy and another character on the opposite side, right up close, not far away, then the enemy is considered flanked. When the enemy is flanked, your rogue gets to use his sneak attack damage. This sneak attack damage makes the rogue very useful in combat.

Now, you have to be able to move around in combat. So, for feats, you have a few choices.

Two weapon fighting can be useful, since you can get an extra attack when you don't move or only take a 5 ft. step. The down side to this is your main attack has a slightly worse chance of hitting.

Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack. If you are worried about getting hit by attacks of opportunity and you want to move the rogue to flanking position then these 3 feats are what you want.

A useful skill up until you get Spring Attack is Tumble. Tumble lets you make a roll, which the computer does automatically, to avoid attacks of opportunity.
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Post by anofalye »

Thanks, work much better then what rogue use to do.

Of course my little rogue dont rush in battle and as much as possible, the barbarian move deeper to allow easier flanking, but work great! Thanks :)
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Post by GrimGriz »

Combat reflexes - the feat that is your friend. Well, I take that back in your case, as a dex of 13 won't help too much.
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Post by whitelight »

if your rogue is high enough in charisma, you might dual class to sorceror--it takes about 6 levels of sorceror to really be useful tho and that means missing out on some sneak attack damage.
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Post by anofalye »

Hehe, I actually need the rogues levels for the skills and make sure I am self reliant. :)

But the hints above help to some extend, anyway, rogues levels does add on even if not wonderfull for a low physical stats, still nice...and yes, charisma is 18, so is intel(only 10 wisdom)...
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Keill Randor
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Post by Keill Randor »

Another nice option for a rogue with a good dexterity, or at least a dex and strength that are equal, is an archer. You can still do sneak attack damage from within 30 feet, but only if the enemy is unaware. That is why my sorceress has "greater invisibility." With that, I can make sneak attacks on any enemy at any time without having to lose an attack by running over to them. You also don't have to worry about getting hit as much, but can still do some great damage. I can also usually target somebody who hasn't gone yet in the first round (so they are flat-footed) and get around 55 points of damage with 2 arrows. This will quite often drop the magic user of the opposition.

Just a thought.
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