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How to acquire cash

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Sneaky Pete
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How to acquire cash

Post by Sneaky Pete »

I am only finishing up the first level of the temple so this may be moot, however; why am I always broke? It appears their are few quests that you get paid for etc. CG party and now I am starting to craft items. I could go on a killing spree in town but that isn't good for dialogue purposes!
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Keill Randor
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Post by Keill Randor »

In my opinion, the best method is to "rest" in the Temple. This will bring up random encounters that will get you gold AND experience. You also never run out of enemies to fight this way, and, so far, I've never had a random encounter that was unbeatable. Some were difficult, but that just means more experience. Just make sure to go back to town for a safe rest when you start to run out of spells, healing, and/or when your inventory gets full of armor or magic items to sell.

Good luck.
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Post by aquarian_tiger »

Yeah, one of the ironies of the game; when you need money you have none, later when you have everything you can't spend it all. Like Keill says, find as many encounters as you can and take everything to sell. As you get farther you'll find more than enough.
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Post by Kiwi »

Choose rest locations with care

The patch reduced the number of times that potential opponents spawn in during a rest period and land inside of a wall, but it still can happen, and therefore there is the potential for being unable to ever get out of the Combat Mode if you don't have an exit within the current map (don't rest in the ruined tower, for instance, since all exits are OFF that map).

I discovered that situation when using the cross-country world travel map to keep on finding encounters with low level monsters, but once in awhile there would be Lacedons or Ochre Jellies that my team couldn't defeat (bladed weapons only at first for the Jellies).

No matter how far or which direction you try to go to escape from combat when your survival skill doesn't let you pass up the encounter, there is no "flee" option. All exits from the encounter "map" are onto other maps.

My game was patched, and still had some anomalous behavior of this nature. On one trip from Nulb to the Temple, my party was moderately badly hurt and we arrived unhealed. An attempt to rest outside the side door produced an archer of some sort stuck in the wall above the door.

He was never hostile; I'm not sure he ever saw us, but once he was perched there, he remained up there throughout the rest of the time I kept on playing ToEE.

* :rolleyes: *
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