I installed the latest update, and I am on a new comp. any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been wanting to play this game since it came out!!!
Trouble with Combat/striking
Trouble with Combat/striking
Hi everyone, I just started playing Morrowind but I am having trouble with two issues: 1st is, I can't seem to fight very well. It looks more like a glitch in the game rather then my being a newbe. I can hack/slash/stab an enemy numerous times without it having any effect. I can see my sword/club/whatever passing through the enemy, but it only inflicts damage every 10-15th strike. is this because my character is new and poor in skill? or is it just poor play control. I have been playing video games for some time now and usually I can pick up the combat pretty quickly. The second problem is an issue with the scroll bars on the menus and the mouse wheel. The scroll bars do not seem to work properly, I can view the top of a menu or the bottom, but it will not stop in the middle.
I installed the latest update, and I am on a new comp. any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been wanting to play this game since it came out!!!
I installed the latest update, and I am on a new comp. any help would be greatly appreciated. I have been wanting to play this game since it came out!!!
- UncleScratchy
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It would help to know what level you are, what your stats are, what type of weapon (long/short sword) etc. you have. Sounds like your char is new and sucks big time (as all new chars do). Its not your fault. It pays to go slow, practice on insects and crabs and build up your stats. I don't even try to do quests until I'm about level 20 or so. The char is just to weak and lame at everything, missing more than hitting. The early part of the game is about surviving and getting a bit of coin. I spend all my coin of training as I can find all the armor and weapons I need. If you're lucky and half way decent you may be able to wipe out the smugglers in Seyda Neen before moving on to Balmora or Pelagiad. At the beginning your emphasis should be on leveling up by any means possible (try speechcraft, merchantile, acrobatics, athletics, etc.). Early in the game Hand to Hand is one of the best skills to have as a major/minor skill. You get good very fast and get a lot of level ups to boot. Jump, run, flatter your way up a few levels and then hike up to Pelagiad (forget the riding the bug to Balmora). In Pelagiad go into the general store and steal everything you can wear or carry. Sell everything you don't have an immediate need for (just don't try to sell it back to the guy you stole it from). You'll be weak as a kitten so I would go with chitin armor and a couple of enchanted swords (for killing undead ghosts, skellies etc). Now head to Balmora. I try to pick up a bow early on and start to practice a lot. Your bow is your friend. A good bow and high skills in marksmanship negate having to worry about spellcasting mages, flying creatures, etc. I almost never use a sword in this game. Bows, speechcraft/personality, maybe some lockpicking get me through for loads of loot, easy quests, and lots of training. I spend every drachma I get on training. If you know where to look you can find loads of free arrows, armor, etc early in the game. Go to Caldera early on (after Balmora) and find the Creeper. Creeper is your friend for making unbelieveable amounts of money. For now, concentrate on killing mudcrabs and scribs. Good luck (it gets easier with each day you survive).
"The Khajiit mind is not engineered for self-reflection. We simply do what we do and let the world be damned." Quote from the Ahziirr Traajijazeri
"Fusozay Var Var"
"Fusozay Var Var"
Originally posted by CYeager
I can hack/slash/stab an enemy numerous times without it having any effect. I can see my sword/club/whatever passing through the enemy, but it only inflicts damage every 10-15th strike.
This will most likely be due to your character just having low stat points and a lack of skill in said weapons.
I'm sure you checked this already, bust just in case, remember that if your fatigue (Green Bar) is low or empty, you won't hit anything, no matter what your level. This is especially bad for new characters trying to run and lug around a bunch of armor and stuff.
"sit down. stand up."
"sit down. stand up."
I never pay attention to Fatigue anymore. I run all the time and I never rest (except to level). My Fatigue is usually empty. I still hit with every blow.
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
- UncleScratchy
- Posts: 869
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Originally posted by Xyx
I never pay attention to Fatigue anymore. I run all the time and I never rest (except to level). My Fatigue is usually empty. I still hit with every blow.
You are probably regenerating your endurance fast enough naturally that you always have at least one point of endurance each time you strike. Just my guess.
"The Khajiit mind is not engineered for self-reflection. We simply do what we do and let the world be damned." Quote from the Ahziirr Traajijazeri
"Fusozay Var Var"
"Fusozay Var Var"
That could be the case, though my endurance sux0rz. Are you sure having NO fatigue left means all hits are guaranteed to miss?
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.