I've been out of the NWN loop for quite a while but recently picked up Undrentide and Underdark. In flipping through the manuals and reading about the prestige and epic classes, I'm wondering if the xp penalty will apply to these (I didn't notice any mention of this in the manuals).
Example: make an elven fighter. level up until he's +6 in attack, take a quick level of wizard to get arcane spells, and then move on to the arcane archer class.
Will this char suffer the -20% xp penalty?
second example: halfling bard converted to dragon disciple
Will this char suffer a -20% xp penalty?
xp penalty
- Ned Flanders
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xp penalty
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
Prestige classes shouldn't give a XP penalty afaik, because they are an extension of the base class (Haven't read this in the manual, but couldn't imagine it otherwise ).
Secondly - When looking for XP penalty in ordinary classes, be sure to check the favoured multiclass. If the one of the class' you multiclass into is a favored multiclass, it dosen't count towards XP penalty.
In your case, the elves have wizards as favored class, thus taking levels will not incure a penalty.
This is listed in the original NwN manual.
Secondly - When looking for XP penalty in ordinary classes, be sure to check the favoured multiclass. If the one of the class' you multiclass into is a favored multiclass, it dosen't count towards XP penalty.
In your case, the elves have wizards as favored class, thus taking levels will not incure a penalty.
This is listed in the original NwN manual.
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- Ned Flanders
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thanks xan. Clear on the favored class thing, was going to add such detail but didn't want to complicate the issue. So with the halfling bard (not a favored class), there should be no xp penalty when she decides to grow wings.
Crush enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.
At Biowares Offical Forums , I reasked my multi-classing question and these are the responces I've gotten so far.
Mortiooze (Owns all three Neverwinter Nights Games.)
Posted: Friday, 09 January 2004 12:57AM
Exp penalty: Yes, with an exception. If you are a human or half-elf, the (any) favored class can point to a prestige class.
In other words..say you have a fighter10/rogue5/WM5. No exp penalty, because the prestige class doesn't count, and the fighter is your favored class.
Now..fighter 5/rogue5/WM 10. Again, no XP penalty, but only because your fighter and rogue levels are even.
Now..say..fighter 3/rogue7/WM10. Exp penalty. The favored class for a human and half-elf is which ever class has the most experience, so it points to the weapon master, and you get hit with an XP penalty for the difference between your rogue and fighter levels. That's where the bug is. Prestige classes shouldn't be a favored class for humans or half-elves under any circumstances.
As far as the combination goes..meh. If you're already using all the feats and plan on sticking to just one weapon..you might as well go for weapon master.
Zelphi (Owns Neverwinter Nights but none of the Expansions)
Posted: Friday, 09 January 2004 04:33AM
Unless this is some bug in HotU, there is no xp penalty for PrCing...
Also, Fighter/Azn. Just go for it.
So thus far I've gotten two completely different answers and I haven't tested it myself yet, although I'm thinking about artifically leveling up just to test it as I really want to be 50% Rouge / 25% Fighter / 25% Weapon Master.
Mortiooze (Owns all three Neverwinter Nights Games.)
Posted: Friday, 09 January 2004 12:57AM
Exp penalty: Yes, with an exception. If you are a human or half-elf, the (any) favored class can point to a prestige class.
In other words..say you have a fighter10/rogue5/WM5. No exp penalty, because the prestige class doesn't count, and the fighter is your favored class.
Now..fighter 5/rogue5/WM 10. Again, no XP penalty, but only because your fighter and rogue levels are even.
Now..say..fighter 3/rogue7/WM10. Exp penalty. The favored class for a human and half-elf is which ever class has the most experience, so it points to the weapon master, and you get hit with an XP penalty for the difference between your rogue and fighter levels. That's where the bug is. Prestige classes shouldn't be a favored class for humans or half-elves under any circumstances.
As far as the combination goes..meh. If you're already using all the feats and plan on sticking to just one weapon..you might as well go for weapon master.
Zelphi (Owns Neverwinter Nights but none of the Expansions)
Posted: Friday, 09 January 2004 04:33AM
Unless this is some bug in HotU, there is no xp penalty for PrCing...
Also, Fighter/Azn. Just go for it.
So thus far I've gotten two completely different answers and I haven't tested it myself yet, although I'm thinking about artifically leveling up just to test it as I really want to be 50% Rouge / 25% Fighter / 25% Weapon Master.
OK, upon testing Multi-Classing EXP Loss in Chapter One this is what I've come up with while fighting the same three escaped Prisoners in one of the Houses.
Level 10 Character
Rogue 5 / Fighter 4 / Weapon Master 1
18 EXP / 18 EXP / 5 EXP (41 Total)
Rogue 5 / Fighter 5
18 EXP / 18 EXP / 5 EXP (41 Total)
Rogue 5 / Fighter 4 / Sorcerer 1
14 EXP / 14 EXP / 4 EXP (32 Total)
So it does appear as if Prestige Classes do not count towards the EXP loss.
Oops, upon reading the first responce a second time it appears as if Mortiooze correctly told me that Prestige Classes don't count towards EXP loss and I misread what he said as meaning that they did. Sorry.
Level 10 Character
Rogue 5 / Fighter 4 / Weapon Master 1
18 EXP / 18 EXP / 5 EXP (41 Total)
Rogue 5 / Fighter 5
18 EXP / 18 EXP / 5 EXP (41 Total)
Rogue 5 / Fighter 4 / Sorcerer 1
14 EXP / 14 EXP / 4 EXP (32 Total)
So it does appear as if Prestige Classes do not count towards the EXP loss.
Oops, upon reading the first responce a second time it appears as if Mortiooze correctly told me that Prestige Classes don't count towards EXP loss and I misread what he said as meaning that they did. Sorry.