is the kiss with bastila the end of the romance with her? i'm on unknown world, and i think i may have managed to kill the romance plot both times through the game. unless the kiss is the end.
Game Master of:
That's as far as it goes in terms of regular dialog, although if you're a lightsider, and if you choose to turn her away from the dark side when you fight her on the Star Forge, then you can get her to confess that she loves you.
Originally posted by Legend Kiss ??? Where did that happen ? And what triggers it ?
Just keep talking to Bastilla. Choose the options of "give in to your feelings" and so forth. Eventually she will take you to another room to discuss her feelings. Hit on her some more and you'll kiss.
Gods, if you really want a fully developed romance, play BG2. There's one romance for females, and your choice of three romances if you play a male character. And other players, good programmers, have written new characters that provide romances, as well.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.