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Kill the King or prins or both?(SPOILER)

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Kill the King or prins or both?(SPOILER)

Post by XazaX »

What would you prefer? King Ixilthetocal or Prins Villynaty in Sahuagin City? Or them both? Help me decide. :)
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Post by nephtu »


Last time through I killed them both, the king first. Either way can work, I believe, so flavor to taste.
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Post by fable »

It doesn't really matter. And, typically, there are no alignment changes no matter what you do.
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Post by Aqua-chan »

I killed the King for the Rebels, then killed the Prince for his loot. I believe you collect some piece of the Wave halberd off his body-?
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Post by JackOfClubs »

You can pickpocket his loot just as easily.

I prefer to keep the Prince alive on the grounds that the Sahuagin will fight the Drow, which are a bigger threat to civilization. The extra experience you get from killing him and his henchmen is not worth the time and effort and doesn't represent a clear moral imperative, so I usually him live.

Incidentally, if you are playing a monk character, I believe it is advantageous to kill the prince and side with the king. The item you get as a reward is not obtainable any other way AFAIK.
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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

Originally posted by JackOfClubs

Incidentally, if you are playing a monk character, I believe it is advantageous to kill the prince and side with the king. The item you get as a reward is not obtainable any other way AFAIK.

Yes, it's for a pair of monk bracers that gives +4 to hand combat.

Oh, btw, I always kill both the king and the prince. Clean out the city since I am there, without repurcussions. :)
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