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Clerics Turning

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Stormfront Studios' Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor.
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Clerics Turning

Post by Corwynne »

Uh, ... I'm a newbie to this game and I don't have a manual. Yeah, I know, you can give me grief later. If some kind-hearted soul out there can help me then could you tell me how I can get my cleric to turn undead at the start of the game? I'd appreciate it.
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Post by GEEZER »

Corwynne, I know its a little late in the game (you posted back in Jan!) and of all the other viewers why at least one of them hasn,t replied by now, but anyhow here goes. Clerics turn undead in the Combat Options section when in battle. You've probably figured this out on your own, but, until I read your post, I didn't know about this feature, so thanks for alerting me. Since my Cleric is Level 3, I realy don't know wheather she could do this right off at Level 1 or picked it up along the way...
I'm guessing the rest of the viewers don't want to get involved, what do you think?
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Post by Braxom31 »

Turn Undead

Hey there, yes you can turn undead from level one, but it only works on the basic skeletons, not the skeleton knights, lords, zombies, etc.

BTW, can anyone give me any advice on how to beat the dang shadows? I can't ever seem to hit them, and my sorcerer doesn't do enough damage before running out of magic.
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Post by GEEZER »

Hey, yourself.. First, my sorcerer is Jaril, who I rescued in the Main Halls as a level 3, so her magic missile spell packs a punch! Second, my tough guy is a ranger class half orc and his blows, with what looks like a large sledge hammer, count also. But my overall success against shadows is Jaril.
Thanks for the info on turn dead only working on skeletons..explains what I thought was a problem!
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Post by Corwynne »

Hehehe ... Nothing like a speedy response! But hey, at least someone responded :)

Turns out you get a lot when you right-click the mouse! After stumbling across that feature it carried my game a lot further. I'm at the start of the catacombs now ... but I nearly didn't make it. There is a construct (golem of some sort) in a building (forgotten where) that won't move. There seems to be a bug in the system, but unless you blast the hell out of it in a hurry your game won't progress.

Beating shadows? I just use a lot of magic missile spells or magic items that do damage. Cone of Cold works GREAT but I'd hang on to the items that cast that for a while. Arracats can be a pain at times. Especially if you're out of spells!

Well, gotta go. I'm in the middle of moving house.
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Post by GEEZER »

Catacombes?? Is that the game's description or yours? Reason I ask is thjat I've come across Main, Deep, Stone and Light Halls sofar but no Catacombes...
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Post by Corwynne »

Geezer - that is the game's description. After all the halls (main, deep, stone, of light etc) you end up in Myth Drannor. A lot of the action takes place outside. One of the main quests is to find 5 missing orbs that have been locked away, one of which you should have since the beginning of the game - a blue metal bound one. Finding them all activates the spinning spires that crop up from time to time. One of the orbs is in the Drow catacombs ... where the drow kicked my ass royally BTW. My first encounter? They had the initiative, darkness cast and there were a lot of them. Very handy with a bow they are too. While they don't do a tremendous amount of damage each, they slowly break you down until you're almost dead. Hit 'em first and hit 'em hard! You'll be in a sorry shape otherwise.

Sorry - babbling away at the fingers again. So, if you look at the PoR walkthrough page it's the third section down on the right hand side.
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Post by GEEZER »

Since asking that question, I found out about the POR walkthrough, but thanks for the warning anyway. It will be some time before before I get there as I've finished the Main Halls and am now working my way through the Deep ones...
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Post by marlboro777 »

Undead Turning

As your levels get higher and charisma gets higher you can turn undead skeletons, skeleton knights shadows, ghouls, ghasts.. with greater success rates.

sometimes the turning of shadows.. you won't destroy them outright but you'll paralyze them or turn them..

my party is around level 4-5 and got into a fight in the halls of stone vs 8 shadows.. 4 close range and 4 distant.

cleric paralyzed 3/4 of the close range ones.

had my dwarf fighter and human paladin gang up on the 1 unturned one.
my sorcerer jerial to cast web on the 4 that were coming up to attack the party..
*which is useful for slowing them down so you don't have to deal with all 8 of them all at once and get seriously messed up by their stat drains.
Used my ranger to take bow shots at the paralyzed ones.
and the cleric will hit on the paralyzed ones too..

my fighters will gangup on the unturned ones so i might have to use a wand of restoration for 2 charges at the end of that battle..

After you kill the turned or paralyzed ones.
you can go for another turning by your cleric.

Also your paladin can do a turning immediately after your cleric.
which sometimes can turn the ones your cleric misses.

In the 1st edition AD&D dice and paper game
if a level 20 cleric turned undead 120' circle.. and a level 20 paladin turned undead in a 120' circle. the turning effect where the circles both overlapped.. would be like a level 30 cleric turning undead.

but i dunno if the same applies in 3rd edition pool of radiance.

Also sometimes i've paralyzed one of the higher undead like a skeleton knights and the ancient zombies and skeleton lords will be totally uneffected..
this is because the cleric is only level 5 and can't turn more undead hit dice then that..
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Post by GEEZER »

Hey, Marlboro, welcome to our little "chat group"! Corwynne and I are newbies and, speaking for myself, can use all the insights I can get....
Am now in Halls of Light , with a party of 6 all at level 5 except the recent addition, a human fighter (Emeric, or something like that) who's at level 6, My cleric has been turning everything in sight, but, as you say, not all at once... but no complaints!! I like the idea of using web to slow down the oncoming hordes, hadn't thought of that....
Some questions for you if you don't mind;
1)you mention using wand of restoration at the end of battle- to
what purpose? I've got 4 or 5 of these suckers and don't
know what to do with them....
2)idolons? What are they for?
3)those little handfuls of polished gems, any good for anything
but selling at half price to Knottle?
That's all for now, thanks for your help.....
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Post by Corwynne »


Heads up! ... Stop a head ... Couldn't help myself. One of my favorite movies is 8 heads in a duffel bag.

Moving on ... the Idolon heads score you some cool items in Myth Drannor. Keep them! Don't sell them or lose them. The more you have the better.

The bunches of gems? Just gems as far as I can tell.

The wonderful Wand of Restoration ... hehehe ... I love those things. Whenever you get drained of strength or levels just point that wand at the poor soul and the drained strength or levels come right back. You don't have to set up camp for days on end to recover.

Hey marlboro and welcome. Thanks for the tips and advice - such stuff is ambrosia to us newbies. Oh, Geezer - if you think Emmeric is good just wait until you get Faeril in your party. o O (Other tips ...)

Web is good at keeping things from coming towards you, but it will occasionally prevent you from moving too.

Call me cheap but I like to fight in a doorway: that way you don't get surrounded by hoardes of undead or arracats. Set your hard hitters up front and cast spells from behind.

Spells - Fireball can clear a room of undead in a very satisfying way. One advantage it has over the mighty Lightning Bolt is that it detonates away from your party. Lightning Bolt starts at your fingertip and travels to it's target. Just watch where you point that thing! You'll have more than someone's eye out. o O (try the brand new Blue Bastard 200 hp damage Dungeon Model Lightning Bolt wand with a compass and a thing which tells time built right into the stock).

Keep your rogue at a distance from the fight. He can score critical attacks with a bow just as well as with a sword. Try and keep him near a wizard or cleric though, just in case.

Well, that's my $0.02 for right now. Hope some of this helps.

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Post by GEEZER »

Corie, good stuff! That tip on doorway fighting works good for me, also. Great minds think alike, ay? This forum is starting to come alive again, lets keep er moving!
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Post by Corwynne »

Can you hear the dull smack of palm hitting forehead? Silly me didn't read all the threads and guess what? There's a patch for the disappearing Ancient key! This is the one where you have the 'invisible stairs'. I should have read all the threads before posting my reply to you. Better late than never eh?

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Post by GEEZER »

Mea culpa, newbie buddy, now I got egg on MY face! I should have read BOTH your posts before blabbing away!!! This is getting tricky to keep things straight...let's agrree to finish these two off and start fresh with new post(s)...
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Post by theCheat »

charisma is your friend when turning undead, if you get it high enough, you may evan turn undead that are normally to high of a level for you at the time. I might have evan turned a morgue once or twice with it
so it works like this. rigt click an undead on the screen, it will say how many hit dice it has, so it says it has 3d8, that means it's a third level undead, and rolls 3 eight sided die for each level. Now in order to turn it, you must be level 3 or greater (unles you are a level away with amazing charisma)
If you are in a battle, and your cleric is twice or more the level, say 6th level, and that 3rd level undead is there, and you turn it, it will be destroyed outright.
Charisma also affects how many hit die you can turn, so the higher the stat, the more it can turn
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Post by GEEZER »

Hey, Cheat, where do you get this stuff? Great insights on how the "turn undead" works!! I had no idea it was all so scientific or mathmatical...Keep it coming....

I've got the following in my party:-Ranger-half orc; Fighter-dwarf; Cleric-halfelf;Sorcerer-human;Rogue-halfling & Fighter-human..all level 8 except last 2 are 9's...and I just hit the Catacombes, first cellar!!!

Reading about your ideal group, sounds like I got a battle ahead of me, ya think??
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Post by theCheat »

I've finished this game around 5-6 times, and working on 7th time these days, I pretty much know this game inside out
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Post by GEEZER »

I am suitably impressed!! If I realy like a game, I'll go round at least twice, but more than that it has to be real good...Ever play Anochronox by Eidos. There was a classic. Also liked MM1X very much..Ah, memories....
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Post by theCheat »

my computer is lacking severly in power, so I don't play many games on it anymore, evan this game really slows down alot, specifically when there are smoke and fire effects, or too many enemies, but I plan on upgrading big time in the summer
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Post by Corwynne »

Woo-hoo! Got my 'puter back! Nearly done moving house and at last I can get on-line again. Reading the posts it looks like a lot has happened. Congratulations to Geezer for getting to the catacombs!

I have to agree with theCheater on the whole Charisma thing. The numbers baffled me a little but I'm also a bit numerodyslexic. (I can't spell sxi ... xis ... xsi ... whatever). It kind of put me in mind of the paper and dice AD&D from way back. I wasn't much of a numbers geek but I loved the whole character creation thing. Which reminds me - is there anything like RavenLoft for the PC? I came across my old 1st Edition boxed set while moving. It hasn't seen the light of day for some time (probably a good thing) and I wondered if there was a PC game that came close to approximating it.

It's cool to see my thread reaching two pages. I'll admit to a small show of newbie pride there. :) My other thread isn't doing so well but what the hey. It's just good to be back!

More later. Still got a ton of boxes to move.
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