Spell resistance question
Spell resistance question
I have the Many-Starred Cloak equipped which gives 10 to fire resist, as well as a ring of resistance(?) which gives 15 to fire resist. Whenever I am damaged by fire, only 15 damage is negated. Do resistences not stack, or is one of these items bugged, or am I just dumb, or what? Thanks in advance.
It is my experience that resistances on items dosen't stack.
If carrying multiple resistance items, it usually goes with the highest one.
They do however stack with the feats that grant you resistance protection as far as I've tested. Because I've seen times when the damage is decreased twice in a row.
If carrying multiple resistance items, it usually goes with the highest one.
They do however stack with the feats that grant you resistance protection as far as I've tested. Because I've seen times when the damage is decreased twice in a row.
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related question
You mentioned the difference between Spell Resistance and Damage Reduction; do the DRs stack for multiple items?
Ring of Elemental Resistance (DRed 15/cold)
Amulet of the Master (DRed 30/cold)
IIRC, these items were in use when I fought the master of the globe and never once got a chill. Am I remembering correctly?
You mentioned the difference between Spell Resistance and Damage Reduction; do the DRs stack for multiple items?
Ring of Elemental Resistance (DRed 15/cold)
Amulet of the Master (DRed 30/cold)
IIRC, these items were in use when I fought the master of the globe and never once got a chill. Am I remembering correctly?
It may be better to be a live jackal than a dead lion but it is better still to be a live lion - and usually easier.
Lazarus Long
Lazarus Long
Re: related question
I don't think these stack either, but I'm not quite sure.
That was what I answered in my first post (in answering to the thread starter).Originally posted by Darthel
You mentioned the difference between Spell Resistance and Damage Reduction; do the DRs stack for multiple items?
Ring of Elemental Resistance (DRed 15/cold)
Amulet of the Master (DRed 30/cold)
IIRC, these items were in use when I fought the master of the globe and never once got a chill. Am I remembering correctly?
I don't think these stack either, but I'm not quite sure.
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energy resistance/damage reduction can be basically viewed as the same thing. they both reduce the total damage received by its owner. they do not stack. see them as producing a single "sieve" that negates some dmg. placing a finer layer behind a course one will do as mucc good as just using the finer one..
Spell resistance is more like "armor class against spells" where the "to hit" used against it is the spellcaster's level and what ever feats and spells he has/is using. so, SP do not stack either, just as AC[deflect] does not stack upon another AC[deflect]
Spell resistance is more like "armor class against spells" where the "to hit" used against it is the spellcaster's level and what ever feats and spells he has/is using. so, SP do not stack either, just as AC[deflect] does not stack upon another AC[deflect]
Originally posted by shift244
energy resistance/damage reduction can be basically viewed as the same thing. they both reduce the total damage received by its owner. they do not stack. see them as producing a single "sieve" that negates some dmg. placing a finer layer behind a course one will do as mucc good as just using the finer one..
Well - I'm pretty sure they do stack with the resistance you can gain from feats - because I took some in my last run. Although I'm unsure to if the resistance you can gain from normal feats stack with the Epic ones, because I saw some strange resists after my character got epic.
(The epic feats should stack with each other according to the info, from the feats)
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Going by the PNP rules (I know this isn't too much of a help, but it's what I'm familiar with), DR doesn't stack. You always take the best one in any given sitiuation. So, if someone attacked the barbarian with a piercing weapon, he'd use the belt of archery's DR. If they attacked with another kind of weapon, he'd use his barbarian DR.