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Someone please help me :D

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Someone please help me :D

Post by Dawgboy »

I am a fighter and have just started the game again (used to be a wizard) and i have just gained the de'arnise stronghold. I did not get all the items being gaurded by the golems as they were way too tough for me at such a low level. So i waited until i gained possesion of the keep to get the items. When i went back to the area the golems had gone (they should i think) but the items had also gone from the statues. Please help me find where they have gone!!
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Post by garazdawi »

They left with the golems. I don't think you'll ever be able to get them now.... if you don't have a pre save...
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Once you complete the keep quest the game resets the area and everything you didn't pick up or anything you stashed there will disappear. You can only get the items back now by using the CLUA commands or Shadowkeeper.
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Post by VonDondu »

What you are dealing with is two sets of maps: one set before you finish the quest, and a new set of maps after you become Lord of the Keep. The golems and the treasure are still sitting there on the old map. The problem is that the old maps are no longer accessible. You can use cheat codes to transport yourself back to the old map. After you're done, you can either use a cheat code to get back to the new map, or you can leave the area (go back to Athkatla, for instance), and then come back to the Keep, which will be all shiny and new.
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Post by Dawgboy »

Thanks alot guys for the information (i'm not exactly what you'd call a computer 'know-it-all'). I thought it was a bug, oh well i guess i'll have to use the debug mode thingy to get the items. Thanks again!
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