No Seqs for Aerie
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2004 7:40 am
Aerie has both Minor Spell Sequencer and Spell Seq. set up & shows the appropriate symbol on her portrait. However, the "innate abilities" button is greyed out, so I can't activate them, or even discharge them to set them up afresh!
By best guess was that I'd used a spell which I'd subsequently erased from her spell-book (A. doesn't have great Int., so I've been shuffling spells around quite a lot, and I can't remember for sure what I used in the Seqs). So I had her re-learn Minor Spell Deflection (the only likely candidate), but that had no effect.
Any ideas what the likely cause is, or how I might resolve this?
It's a real pain, because I was particularly looking forward to trying out some nice Clerical spells in the Seqs.
BTW, I *think* that the last time I checked, she seemed to have *two* Contingencies set-up! This should, of course, not be possible - & I was pretty sure that the first (Stoneskin when Helpless) had been used before the next (Cure Critical when Injured) was set-up. But I can't double-check this at the mo., coz I'm on the wrong machine.
By best guess was that I'd used a spell which I'd subsequently erased from her spell-book (A. doesn't have great Int., so I've been shuffling spells around quite a lot, and I can't remember for sure what I used in the Seqs). So I had her re-learn Minor Spell Deflection (the only likely candidate), but that had no effect.
Any ideas what the likely cause is, or how I might resolve this?
It's a real pain, because I was particularly looking forward to trying out some nice Clerical spells in the Seqs.
BTW, I *think* that the last time I checked, she seemed to have *two* Contingencies set-up! This should, of course, not be possible - & I was pretty sure that the first (Stoneskin when Helpless) had been used before the next (Cure Critical when Injured) was set-up. But I can't double-check this at the mo., coz I'm on the wrong machine.