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Triple Class PC

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Triple Class PC

Post by Thrain »

is it just me or do the FMT and the FMC suffer too much in parties.

ive solo'd a FMC but i stuck one in a party and the lack of experience made his levelling so slow. i found it incredibly frustrating. that combined with the lack of decent kit...........

basically im just saying i dont like either the FMC or the FMT in a party. there.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Yes they level slowly - after all they are the equivalent of 3 single class people. If you want a FMT or FMC I would limit the party to a max of three members. When I play a triple multiclass I only take one other NPC with me - someone who will round out the skills. For example a female FMT plus Anomen, or a male FMT and Viconia, Jaheira or Aerie. If a FMC I take Jan. Any of these combos makes for a mighty fun game. Consider that a FMT plus Jaheira or Aerie, for example, is equivalent to a 5 person party. Same for a FMC plus Jan.

Then I rescue Immy and keep her in the party as your multiclass mage will never get as high as she will get - in fact she will far outdistance you in mage levels before you finish the Underdark. Then when I go into ToB I pick up Sarevok for a party of 4 total. I prefer small parties of very skilled people over a large party of mediocre members.
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