i'm looking at a new game right now, after finishing ToB with my fighter/mage/cleric
i like the look of a fighter-->druid but i'm not sure which fighter kit to use. my first thought was the kensai for the bonuses but i also want armour, so i thought berserker-->druid
i will be installing TDD before this new game so i could try one of their kits, although i seem to recall their kits being orientated towards pure fighters.
anyone want to try and persuade me either way?
oh, and does anyone have any sites for soundsets? i'm compiling a mods cd (already contains many portraits, TDD, weapon upgrade, tactics, solaufein, valen, tashia, kelsey, chloe, gharen, improved theif stronghold etc.)
I'll take a stab...
Well, here's my 2gold worth:
If you want a fighter/druid who isn't Jaheira, consider a multi anyway, given that you have ToB - both have nice high level abilities. If you're reallly stuck on a kit, you can always SK it in. Spears, staves, clubs are all good choices for the weapon proficiencies. I always choose darts over slings because I despise slings (no, it's not rational, but there you are.)
Some folks love berserkers, they've never done it for me, so I"ll leave the choice of kit up to you. I've never played TDD, so I can't help with that part, either - I'm thinking of trying it out for my next play through.
Well, here's my 2gold worth:
If you want a fighter/druid who isn't Jaheira, consider a multi anyway, given that you have ToB - both have nice high level abilities. If you're reallly stuck on a kit, you can always SK it in. Spears, staves, clubs are all good choices for the weapon proficiencies. I always choose darts over slings because I despise slings (no, it's not rational, but there you are.)
Some folks love berserkers, they've never done it for me, so I"ll leave the choice of kit up to you. I've never played TDD, so I can't help with that part, either - I'm thinking of trying it out for my next play through.
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.
Fighter->druid is one of the option that I will try in the future.
I don't suggest a multi (just take Jaheira for the feeling) but I would try something new.
Also a multi has a long period of slow advancement due to the leveling of druid between 13 and 15 lev, so you can miss some fighter HLA for a lot of great spells.
Both berserker/kensai are good option: berserker rage is great, but in ToB gets less useful because you would save most of the time (apart the imprisoment), while with kensai you will lose the use of armour, but you can compensate for the AC (not the other effects of armour) with Armour of faith/barskin/iron skin, barkskin at high lev. is very good (+1 AC) an last a lot.
But I would suggest to have a plain fighter and then dual to Avenger (with SK eh!eh!eh!).
You'll miss some fighting abilities but you will have a better spell selection, specialluy useful in some level where druids don't get lot of choices.
As for weapon I would go for single handed and shield (for better AC) with either sling/darts/throwing dagger as ranged.
In SoA clubs are better, while in ToB scimitars have the edge.
If you have item upgrade mod you can have for both some great option.
If you like two handed both staves and spears are nice (but club/scimitar + shield are better than only one weapon).
I don't suggest a multi (just take Jaheira for the feeling) but I would try something new.
Also a multi has a long period of slow advancement due to the leveling of druid between 13 and 15 lev, so you can miss some fighter HLA for a lot of great spells.
Both berserker/kensai are good option: berserker rage is great, but in ToB gets less useful because you would save most of the time (apart the imprisoment), while with kensai you will lose the use of armour, but you can compensate for the AC (not the other effects of armour) with Armour of faith/barskin/iron skin, barkskin at high lev. is very good (+1 AC) an last a lot.
But I would suggest to have a plain fighter and then dual to Avenger (with SK eh!eh!eh!).
You'll miss some fighting abilities but you will have a better spell selection, specialluy useful in some level where druids don't get lot of choices.
As for weapon I would go for single handed and shield (for better AC) with either sling/darts/throwing dagger as ranged.
In SoA clubs are better, while in ToB scimitars have the edge.
If you have item upgrade mod you can have for both some great option.
If you like two handed both staves and spears are nice (but club/scimitar + shield are better than only one weapon).