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Dunmer Polypron Query

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 7:20 pm
by Dai Shan
Right then, afgter visiting several Dunmer strongholds, I notice that there are these Polypron rooms. I am not able to interact with these Polypron things, as I do not have the correct texts, or something similar.
Any info would be appreciated.

Also, I managed to misplace the Bal Molagmer gloves given by Gentleman Jim Stacey. I can't be bothered to try to find/replace them, so and info on the quests that these would have yielded also appreciated.

Apologies if these quesions have been asked before.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 3:09 am
by Moleman
Get official mod called MASTER INDEX PLUGIN. Then visit Caldera mage's guild for more info about Propylon chambers...

About Bal Molagmar - from role playing aspect you could say that if you lost those glowes you are not worthy of using them anyway :) So do other quests instead (there's plenty of them) and save Bal Molagmar quests for another character.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 7:22 am
by Digitalchimp

If you wander about the Dunmer strong holds long enough you'll generally get attacked by people (I did anyway), slaughter these people and in a few places ive noticed someone will be carrying the index for that particular stronghold's polypron (for example the rothreran one). failing that check all the chests and barrels in the stronghold. there is also one in a temple, I forget where but its the temple with the big stone in it, meaning that not all of them will be where they should be. This probably wasn't much help but...

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:27 am
by UncleScratchy
There is a propylon index (looks like a small grey stone shaped like a petty soul gem) for each fortress chamber. The index plug-in is nice because after you collect them all you get a Master Index that lets you travel from Caldera

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:28 am
by UncleScratchy
There is a propylon index (looks like a small grey stone shaped like a petty soul gem) for each fortress chamber. The index plug-in is nice because after you collect them all you get a Master Index that lets you travel from Caldera to the propylon chamber of choice. Here are the locations of some of the index stones:


Irgola, the Caldera pawnbroker has one for sale (its on his window ledge so you may be able to steal it as well).

There is one in the temple at Maar Gan. It is sitting on the offering ring around the big stone.

The Urshilaku wise woman has one you can buy from her cheap.

Lord Fyr in Tel Fyr has one. On the table behind him.

There is one in Telasero in a stone box - look carefully.

There is one in St. Olms canton's temple. Go into the temple shrine and exit the rear. Go down the corridor, hang a few right turns to you come to a dead end with two locked doors. Behind the doors are storage rooms with rats. On the floor near some crates is an index.

There is one in Hlormaren (or is it Andasreth?). Kill the people on the roof and free the slaves. I believe the index is either on one of the bad people or in the room with the slaves. Check all the shelfs.

Belada in Gnissis has one. Look on his shelves.

Sorry - thats all I can recall from memory. Check old posts or get the plug-in, it will guide you to each index stone.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:47 am
by 100% Fake
to be honest i dont see the point in getting them!

all the places youcan get to are so out of reach that once you have visited them once there is really no need to go back.....but i may not have gotten through the game as long as i have thought?

please tel me the point in them.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:17 am
by Sojourner
I use them to jump to areas near where I need to go to finish quests - esp. Telasero, Falasmaryon (in reach of Kogoruhn), Berandus (near Gnisis) and Rotheran. If you intend to play a vamp, they prove to be EXTREMELY useful because you can still access the whole system via the Mages Guild in Caldera (assuming you have the Master Index plug-in), whereas all other rapid travel options are cut off.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:52 am
by 100% Fake
whats all this talk of vampires? is that only in the goty edition too?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 12:27 pm
by Sojourner
No, you have that option in the original as well.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:19 pm
by 100% Fake
i have recently had my x-box stripped from me as i only borrowed it. i must get an x-box!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 4:17 pm
by Fer'or

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:22 am
by Digitalchimp
handy. cheers.